Art is Where You Find It
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Sorry, the video is draggy and lame :p

you’re not alone


1 nancywong { 12.16.08 at 11:55 pm }

Awww the video was so touching. It was definitely well planned out and everything about it was just awesome! You are so crafty, I want to learn how to make that bird you made in the video.

2 coreytrippiedi { 12.16.08 at 11:55 pm }

Not not not draggy and lame.

Very cute. Adorable. Nostalgic.

Great use of time lapse and very fitting with your theme of collections. Loved the message at the end.

And I know I speak for all of us when I say, “we love you too” 🙂

3 Walter Zielkowski { 12.17.08 at 12:07 am }


That was really touching! I liked how each collection developed and grew. And the video was definitely not dragged out and/or lame! It was very well thought out and really sweet. And I never expected those lines to become our IDC class!

And well, Corey already said it, but it doesn’t hurt to say it again: WE LOVE YOU LELIA!! 😀

4 katherinepark90 { 12.17.08 at 1:08 am }

aww lelia! That was very good!
I love how at the end all your work was complete.

5 taeminkim { 12.17.08 at 1:25 am }

1 word:

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