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Mooncake Festival

I was wandering around Chinatown in search of ice cream last weekend when I came across a normally-quiet Mulberry Park that was bursting with people and activity. As it turns out, they were celebrating the Mid-Autumn Festival, a holiday reserved for family and friends to gather and celebrate the full moon. Lately I’d been busy with school, so I had completely forgotten about the festival; as a result, it was a nice surprise to come upon a celebration like that. Festivities ranged from modern school-girl renditions of ancient Chinese dances to screeching operatic performances by groups of senior citizens, and there were helpers handing out free slices of mooncake, a treat that I personally don’t even really enjoy (but I ate some anyway). The people there were mostly half or double my age, but everyone seemed to be having a good time. It was an exciting two hours of my week, as well as a nice reminder of how much I really do enjoy my own culture.


1 leliaxtan { 09.23.08 at 11:03 pm }

I heard about that like two weeks ago! I wish I went; it sounds very interesting. I’m actually watching a series/show on Mooncakes, so it’s even cooler.

2 Walter Zielkowski { 09.24.08 at 12:16 am }

I heard about this too! Someone on AIM was away from their computer and their away message mentioned they were at the festival. I was wondering what the fuss was all about.

P.S.- McDonald’s ice cream cones are superior to every other ice cream treat available. They’re cheap and delicious, and you pretty much can’t walk more than a couple of blocks without seeing those yellow arches somewhere.

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