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Jeff Koons on the Roof

At the Metropolitan Museum of Arts, Jeff Koon has an exhibition of high chromium stainless steel sculptures. These sculptures are about twice my height. There is one of a yellowish dog, a red heart and one with layers of different colors. They were very interesting to look at. The largeness of these objects and the colors it made made me small and just amazed. Before I had went to this exhibit, I saw the pictures online. There is a difference between seeing something great on paper and seeing it in person. I’m glad I had the opportunity to see. Not only do these objects reflect the chromatic colors but also the reflection of the people and the sky scape around the roof. Although it would have been a short browse around the exhibit, I couldn’t help but stare at each piece at least three times. This exhibition closes on October 26. I suggest many to go and see it before the weather gets colder.


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