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Lee Young Hee Museum of Korean Culture

The Lee Young Hee Museum of Korean Culture is located on the third floor of a building on 32nd Street. For a museum that is so full of culture, the size is very small. The size of the museum is more like a gallery in a big museum. But the Lee Young Hee museum shows us that size does not matter. In that small space, visitors can see Korean traditional clothes (Han-bok) of everyone from the king to the common peasant. Designer Lee Young Hee has recreated traditional everyday wear and ceremonial wear from centuries ago. Each and every piece of clothing is carefully made and since the royal family could wear a lot of color, the clothes of the royal family are very colorful. Besides, the clothes, visitors can also see the accessories men and women used to wear. Visitors can also see olden tools that Koreans used long ago. Everything from the old coins to the glasses worn is on display. Although most of the clothes, accessories and tools are not in use today or are only worn on special occasions, everything is very beautiful to look at. The pieces are unique and not something you can see commonly. Through the museum, visitors can have a great time discovering the fashion of olden-day Korea.


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