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The Mishkin Gallery

Colors. Where are they? As I entered the Mishkin Gallery, I noticed that majority of the pictures there were black and white, having to do with mostly indentity. If you want to visit a gallery thats not like any other, you should visit this gallery. I saw this one interesting picture which is also in MOMA. This picture is of a cotton farmer’s wife. She is not given a name. She has no identity and is portrayed as a nobody, or as someone that is not special. She is portrayed as someone who is just like any other cotton farmers’ wife.

Completely different from this picture is about another picture. Very glamorous, but also mysterious: an actress standing, with different shades. The placement of the black in this picture is what makes it very appealling. Not only that, but the actress is looking towards the floor, as if she is hiding something about her. Actresses seem to have an identity where their names are always shown, but “insignificant” people are shown without names, and are shown as a general view of the people that are surrounding them around that time period (In this case, the 1930’s).

Something different being viewed. You would expect pictures with color to be more sophisticated, more complex, and more meaningful than black and white pictures, but after visiting the Mishkim Gallery, you see many pictures which have a deep meaning. I wish to visit this museum again, because they also have new shows once in a while (the next one being November)


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