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The New Museum

Located on the outskirts of Chinatown, the New Museum is not worth the general admission of $12; and for some, might not even be worth free admission. The building itself is spectacular, with its unique architecture resembling boxes being stacked on top of one another. However, that is probably the best part of the museum and it all goes downhill from there. Despite the towering height of the building, only three floors were being used for art galleries since half of the floors were in renovation. The weirdest exhibit for me consisted of televisions playing random events, such as people performing on a stage to a speech by an elderly woman. I would have been more interested in the videos if I understood the meaning of them, but they seemed to have no connection to each other in my point of view. Another exhibit consisted of books, a large chuck of them depicting kung-fu. Don’t they have a library for that? It takes under an hour to explore the entire museum but it is best to not even attempt it.


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