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Talk with David Holbrooke

The talk with filmmaker David Holbrooke on October 7 at the Macaulay Honors Center was one of the most fascinating events I’ve attended. David Holbrooke is a one-of-a-kind filmmaker willing to listen to anybody as long as he or she has something interesting to say. I really appreciate his open-mindedness and all the documentaries he has made with this viewpoint. He directed the documentary “Hard as Nails”, which explores a very controversial Catholic young minister, Justin Fatica, a man very intense about his beliefs. Holbrooke admits that he did not agree with Fatica’s ideas at all, but was still willing to understand and help demonstrate his unique perspective to the public.
Holbrooke produced “Live from Shiva’s Dance Floor”, which features underground tour guide “Speed” Levitch on what to do with Ground Zero. He expresses how he was affected by the way Speed acts and views the world. It further supports the fact that he wants the world can listen and understand what these people are trying to convey through their unique way of expressing their feelings. I couldn’t help but feel the same way because although most of these people are conveyed as unsocial iconoclasts, I believe that the ways they think are very crucial in shaping our society. After all, everyone has his or her individual voice that should be allow to be heard in order to better society.

1 comment

1 nancywong { 12.12.08 at 7:43 pm }

Speed Levitch is absolutely amazing! After going to the seminar, I borrowed the DVD it was a touching documentary, if you get the chance you should definitely finish the movie

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