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Some poems for today

The New York Times has some poems in recognition of the day after Election Day. You might enjoy them. See you soon – Zoe


1 Walter Zielkowski { 11.07.08 at 2:26 am }

Nice. Normally I can’t really connect with poetry, but I can understand and relate to at least half of these poems.

2 heajungyang { 11.07.08 at 9:35 am }

I just finished reading poems in English. Like Walter, I find poetry really hard to understand sometimes. I like it when peoms flow and almost tell a story. My favorite poem was “The Polling Place”, it was kind of funny and I think a lot of people would feel the same way during Election Day. I also liked the line “The pencil does not have an eraser” in the poem “Election Day”. It seems like there is a lot of meaning to it.

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