Art is Where You Find It
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The Cooper-Hewitt Museum is relatively petite and has a limited selection. On the first floor, it is abundantly filled with paintings depicting scenery and decorative rooms. However, most of these paintings are similar and it is hard to differentiate between them. There was one room with silver colored chairs that I thought was part of the exhibit at first, but it turned out to be the cafe. On the second floor, I found the section devoted to children’s wallpaper and books to be controversial. I can understand the wallpaper to be a part of design but children’s books do not fit in my stereotype. One area had two tables, which were about two feet high, with story books on them. It seemed more like a playroom than an actual exhibit to me, but that is just my opinion. Overall, I found the Cooper-Hewitt Museum to be repetitive and off-topic at times.

1 comment

1 Walter Zielkowski { 11.21.08 at 3:59 pm }

I must agree it was terribly difficult to differentiate between the painting on the first floor, but I found the children’s section on the second floor to be pretty interesting. They had scratch and sniff wallpaper!

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