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Warmth in winter

Chilly on the outside and warming on the inside, Brooklyn Botanic Garden is definitely the place to go this time around. Even though the temperature is falling dramatically, sights like Overlook are still amazing—its proper alignment of trees impressed me tremendously. I visited the garden last week; it was raining red, orange, and yellow leaves. Many photographers were roaming around trying to take pictures of it from all angles. One cannot help but feel serenity as he strolls through the many paths covered with piles of leaves. In addition, the laughter of young children holding onto their parents’ hands was heart warming and touching. I stood idly by watching them throw themselves at dry leaves over and over again. Sometimes, you just want to forget how awkward everything will be, and just join them. The day passes so quickly when you visit the Brooklyn Botanic Garden. Everywhere you turn, you see stunning beauty. It is also nice to know that this beauty is not seasonal; it is all year round.


1 Walter Zielkowski { 11.21.08 at 4:05 pm }

The Garden is pretty cool. My Dad and his siblings used to practically live there when they were kids. When my aunts got older, they actually ended up working as groundskeepers at the garden for a while. I’ve never been there in the fall, but I’ve heard stories of how beautiful it is all year round.

2 miji0926 { 11.24.08 at 2:50 am }

I love botanical gardens! I visited one in Colorado and I wonder how different the one’s in New York will be.

3 nancywong { 12.12.08 at 7:40 pm }

The Brooklyn Botanical Gardens is awesome! Although I’ve been there only twice it was memorable. My friends always go every year and take pictures when the cherry blossoms it’s so beautiful

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