Art is Where You Find It
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Art is where it finds you

One of the best kept secrets of Baruch are the art galleries that the school has. I had recently gone to the “Recasting the Figure in Photography” show at the Sidney Mishkin Gallery. Though the room itself was unadorned, the photos on display provided great insight into the art of photography and its evolution as an art-form. From the black and white “Alabama Cotton Tenant Farmer Wife” that exemplified the troubles of the Great Depression to a modern photograph of a furry monster hiding behind tall sharp stalks of grass. One particularly memorable photograph was one of a child soldier who had been abducted into the army. The soldier was a young girl whose chest had been branded “RUF” standing for Revolutionary United Front; she was essentially a sex slave to the generals of this army. The exhibit was definitely worth investing an afternoon to, and I consider it an experience in terms of exposure to the evolution of photography and also connecting at a human level.

The Sidney Mishkin Gallery is located at 135 East 22 Street and currently features “Independent Visions/Feminist Perspectives” and I would recommend everyone just take some time out and check the gallery out (It’s literally about 2 minutes away from the VC building!).


1 Walter Zielkowski { 12.04.08 at 3:46 pm }

Ah! I went there about a month ago, and I remember both of those pieces. The guy who donated a lot of the funding to keep the place alive happened to be there while I was visiting.

2 katherinepark90 { 12.07.08 at 10:46 pm }

I went there too. I would probably have enjoyed my visit there if that lady hadn’t talked so much.

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