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Holiday Spirit

I’ve never had the chance to really observe and admire the Macy’s Herald Square window displays either because I was in a rush or just because I didn’t want to go out of my way. However, last Sunday, I happened to be near the area when they unveiled the new 2008 window displays. As part of a 146 year tradition, Macy’s revealed their new holiday displays which attract more than 7000 “consumers” per hour and possibly help bring in more business. We’ve all seen negatives the global economy has suffered this year yet its delightful to know that this holiday tradition lives as successful as it is unchanging. On November 23rd, Macy’s held off the entire storefront street to host the grand “unveiling” of the windows, an event that attracted a rather large crowd. Complete with a mini light show, Santa Claus(whats the holidays without Santa) and a replica of a Central Park features, the little pre-party outside of Macy’s was more than one could’ve expected. They even “invited” Kermit the Frog to sing a few Christmas songs to round out the holiday spirit. In the end, I was just glad that I happened to be in the right place at the right time to have been able to experience and witness this event at least once in my life.


1 heajungyang { 12.04.08 at 2:00 pm }

I agree, the displays are there every year so I never really stop to see them. I’d love to stop by just to see the displays. They sound beautiful!

2 Walter Zielkowski { 12.04.08 at 3:41 pm }

Nice. Only in Manhattan can you stumble upon events like this.

3 coreytrippiedi { 12.06.08 at 12:12 am }

I’m intrigued by the “negatives the global economy has suffered this year.”

Do you think maybe bailing out the banks will help? 😉

4 Walter Zielkowski { 12.06.08 at 1:21 am }

Do you think our economy needs another short term fix?
Do you think our national debt needs to increase more than its already ludicrous levels?
Do you think all of the people of these wonderful United States should pay for the mistakes of a few crooks on Wall Street?
Do you think that these crooks on Wall Street should be given even more money to squander on thousand dollar foot massages and manicures?
Do you think adding credit to solve a credit problem will actually help the situation?

No Corey, I don’t think it will.

5 miji0926 { 12.07.08 at 3:30 am }

lol guys….. lets stop with the whole bailout por favor :P?

6 nancywong { 12.12.08 at 7:15 pm }

I love the displays at Macy’s! I do wonder how much they cost to put up. The annoying is that all the tourist people just stand looking at the windows which seriously stops traffic.

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