Art is Where You Find It
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The Metropolitan Museum of Art

There are two museums that people assume every native New Yorker has visited at some point in his or her life: the Museum of Natural History and the Metropolitan Museum of Art. As a resident of New York for 18 years, Friday marked my first visit to the Met; and the experience was one that I would not soon forget.  It took the better part of my day, but the time I spent there was still not enough to explore even a fraction of what the Museum had to offer.  Yet ironically, after having explored as little as I did, it would still be impossible to fit a simple list of just the names of all the exhibits I saw into a mere paragraph.   The art came from many broad categories and featured art about different topics and countries from around the world.  There were pieces from such topics as religion, culture and landscape and such places as Africa, Asia, Babylon, Italy and America⎯to name a few.  The “New York, N.⎯Why?” exhibit really stood out amongst the rest.  The photographs in this exhibit felt warm and took me to the era that the pictures were taken in.  From my visit to the Met I can assure you of at least one thing; it has such a colossal amount of artwork in its collections that any visitor to the museum is sure to find at least one of the exhibits to be to his or her liking.


1 Walter Zielkowski { 12.04.08 at 9:54 pm }

Thanks Chang. Never heard of “The Museum of National History” either.

2 coreytrippiedi { 12.06.08 at 12:13 am }

Sounds fascinating.

3 dianeeex3 { 12.06.08 at 8:18 pm }

I so agree!! I’m always amazed by all the artwork from around the world. Why does it all have to come to America, anyway?

4 Walter Zielkowski { 12.06.08 at 8:24 pm }

I suppose it all comes here so that we can visit and understand these other cultures without leaving our local museums.

5 katherinepark90 { 12.07.08 at 10:45 pm }

Wow, can’t believe that was your first time.
My favorite exhibits are the Greek and Roman statues and the Italian Renaissance paintings.

6 nancywong { 12.12.08 at 7:18 pm }

Wow first time at the MET. I usually only go for the special exhibits. During the summer they had the superhero costume exhibit, it was really cool. You should check often because they have really cool exhibits every couple of months.

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