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How to Write & Publish a Post

Creating a post for the blog is pretty straightforward.

  1. click the ‘Log In’ link that you see in the left-hand column in the ‘Meta’ area
  2. enter your username and password
  3. when you’re logged in you’ll be taken automatically to the blog’s “dashboard”, where you’ll see a button to ‘Write a New Post” – click that button

    dashboard screen shot

    (dashboard screen shot)


  5. give your post a title in the ‘title’ area

    write post screen shot

    (write post screen shot)


  7. enter the content of your post in the ‘post area’ – use the basic formatting buttons if you want to format your text – if you know HTML, you can use it if you click the ‘HTML’ button – if you want to add a photo or other media, click the gray star next to ‘Add media’
  8. click ‘Preview this Post’ to see what your post will look like, then make changes if necessary
  9. when you’re happy with your post click ‘Publish’ to put it on the blog – or, if you’re not ready to publish yet, click ‘Save’ and your post will be saved as a draft but not published. 

If you can’t log in, you need to contact Lynn ASAP.


1 coreytrippiedi { 09.14.08 at 5:06 pm }

Maybe I’m just silly, but I don’t see a “Write a New Post Button” on the Dashboard.

2 zoesheehan { 09.14.08 at 6:11 pm }

I posted some screen shots so you have a visual. if your visual doesn’t look like mine, drop me an email – Zoe

3 coreytrippiedi { 09.14.08 at 6:47 pm }

Oh, okay. Sorry about that. For the longest time, the option wasn’t available to me, but now it is.

Thank you.

4 walterzielkowski { 09.14.08 at 8:28 pm }

I made my own page when I first made the eportfolio and it seems that whenever I try to post, my posts go to that site. How do I make it so that I post on “The Arts in New York City” page? Maybe I’m probably just missing something obvious, but I can’t figure it out. =\

5 cbao { 09.15.08 at 6:30 pm }

I am having the same problem Walter is/was having. I was going to post a harangue, but I guess that dream is over.

6 walterzielkowski { 09.15.08 at 8:33 pm }

^ I saw that someone posted and thought it would be the answer! I’m still having the problem, but whenever I figure it out I’ll tell you how to fix it.

Makes me feel a bit better that I’m not the only one having trouble.

7 zoesheehan { 09.15.08 at 9:04 pm }

You can’t write a post to the class blog because you are not yet authorized users. This was the same problem Corey had. I added you as authorized users and you should be receiving an email inviting you to join. Chang, I used your gmail address. Walter, I used your Baruch address. If you don’t get an email inviting you to join, let me know by sending me an email.

Anyone else, if you’re having trouble making a post, send me an email and I can add you as an authorized user.

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