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Hobbies in NYC

Sorry it might take a while to load because I couldn’t save it as web streaming since my iMovie froze and my entire video on the program got wiped out. Luckily I saved this onto my computer before it happen 

Hobbies in NYC

I think the Youtube video is faster so here’s the link

Youtube Link


1 Walter Zielkowski { 12.15.08 at 10:20 pm }

Wow, you go EVERYWHERE. Nice.

2 allisonlouie { 12.15.08 at 11:43 pm }

Seriously, I agree with Walter.
… Do you know all the people you recorded, or did you just take video of them? I’d certainly never ever have the guts to walk to up strangers…

3 nancywong { 12.15.08 at 11:49 pm }

The videos with the people playing sports I asked but the other videos I just took them.

4 zoesheehan { 12.16.08 at 12:52 am }

I think I fixed the video for you so it starts faster & is smaller. I’m sorry to hear about your video crash, what a drag.

5 cbao { 12.16.08 at 12:54 am }

This is pretty cool. I’ve been inspired to occasionally leave my house now.

6 coreytrippiedi { 12.16.08 at 12:59 am }

Great video Nancy. I agree with Allison, I wouldn’t be able to just film strangers like that.

Especially with our awkward looking orange rectangle cameras….

7 joycet { 12.16.08 at 5:54 pm }

lOL i think its really organized and very neat! especially when you said you had technical difficulties too! trust me, its not that boring at all! good job! =]

8 sophling { 12.16.08 at 6:33 pm }

I like how you captured almost every hobby possible!

9 calvinwong { 12.16.08 at 11:35 pm }

I miss hanging out in Columbus Park. Recording that person reading the magazine must have been weird though.

10 leliaxtan { 12.16.08 at 11:40 pm }

great job Nancy! it’s very interesting (:
I hope the strangers didn’t give you weird looks.

11 heajungyang { 12.17.08 at 10:26 am }

I really like your video. The music goes well with the scenes.

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