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Category — Announcements

Wednesday details

On Wednesday afternoon we will not be meeting in the classroom. Instead, we are meeting with Baruch professor and theater producer extraordinaire ERIC KREBS at his theater. Meet at 354 W. 45 St., by 3:45pm. <–NOTE I PROVIDED THE WRONG ADDRESS PREVIOUSLY, THE CORRECT ADDRESS IS 354 W. 45 St. not 354 W. 54 ST.

Then in the evening we are attending Eric’s production, “The Castle”, which will be at John Jay College (58th Street and 10th Ave.) from 6-7:30pm. Admission is free but you will need your CUNY ID. For more info on the show see this link and this review.

Your second review is due and I will collect it there so be sure you have it stapled beforehand!

October 14, 2008   3 Comments

John Adams at the 92nd St. Y

Monday night’s event with John Adams looks promising, with conversation as well as music on the program. Here’s a link to information on the event, including directions to the 92nd St Y. When you are there you may want to check out a calendar of other future events at the venue. After you attend the event, would you be so kind as to write a brief blurb about it as a comment to this post? I am disappointed that I won’t be there with you so I’d appreciate your descriptions & evaluations of the event.

P.S. There are several other Doctor Atomic-related events, including symposia and an exhibit, at the CUNY Grad Center in the upcoming days. Check out the Free Events page for listings…

October 3, 2008   17 Comments

Wednesday September 24

As you know you have a blurb review due on Wednesday. This is a paragraph-length review that provides a general sense of the event you attended. There is room for both evaluation and description in a blurb but you need to compress it into a small space…

We will be meeting in the classroom at our usual time for announcements, returning of reviews, and discussion. The Circle Line tour of the Waterfalls begins at 5:30 so we’ll head over to South St. Seaport together around 4:30 or so. Bring your Metrocard.

There is some official information about the Waterfalls at this link. There have been a lot of reviews and stories about the Waterfalls since it opened earlier this summer, so if you want to seek that out in advance you are welcome to do so.

September 23, 2008   No Comments

Vik Muniz at Baruch, September 18

I encourage you to attend a talk with Vik Muniz today (Thursday) at Baruch. Muniz is the artist who created the backs-of-paintings that we saw in Chelsea yesterday. He will be speaking from 2:30-3:30pm in VC7-210.

September 18, 2008   No Comments

Cultural Passports

I have cultural passports for Walter Zeilkowski, Li Lia Tan, and Diane Jacob. I will only be at Baruch Thursday this week from 1-4pm. If you can’t get them then and can’t wait until next Wednesday (I’ll be there 2-5pm), please arrange to have someone pick them up for you.


September 16, 2008   3 Comments