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Category — NY Times Arts

The Chameleon

What did you think of David Grann’s New Yorker article on Frederic Bourdin? While any observation is welcomed, I’m particularly interested in ideas the article might have sparked in you about the differences, or similarities, between art and life.

October 17, 2008   17 Comments

This week in NYTimes Arts, 10/10-10/12

What have you found of interest in the NYTimes Arts section? Add your comments to this post. I encourage you to leave multiple comments, and to comment freely on others’ ideas.

PS Don’t neglect to leave your comments on “The Chameleon” in the subsequent post.

PPS Saturday is Snapshot NYC day. While you’re at it, how about sending Lynn a photo to be used in the header area of the blog? Aren’t you tired of always seeing the same photos there? I am!

October 10, 2008   28 Comments

This week in NYTimes Arts, 10/3-10/5

What have you found of interest in the NYTimes Arts section? Add your comments to this post. I encourage you to leave multiple comments, and to comment freely on others’ ideas.

October 3, 2008   27 Comments

This week in NYTimes Arts, 9/26-9/28

What have you found of interest in the NYTimes Arts section? Add your comments to this post. I encourage you to leave multiple comments, and to comment freely on others’ ideas.

September 26, 2008   24 Comments

‘In Conflict’ review in NYTimes

You might be interested in reading Ben Brantley’s review of ‘In Conflict’ in Thursday’s NYTimes. We’ll be seeing this show at the end of October.

September 25, 2008   No Comments