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Category — Podcasts and Videos

Union Square Holiday Market

Union Square Holiday Market

The peppermint tents at Union Square lined up in semi-circles, are finally back for this year’s Christmas season. There are over a hundred shops located in this tiny market with limitless possibilities of amazing gifts. It was a wonderful shopping experience to get unique one-of-a kind gifts as well as to beat the crowded lines at department stores. [Read more →]

December 11, 2008   6 Comments

Genius of Cinema: A Clockwork Orange

Many have hailed it as a piece of cinematographic brilliance. Others have criticized its vulgar nature, calling for its abolishment. Whatever the case, A Clockwork Orange is one of the most influential and controversial films of the twentieth century. At its core, it tackles the concepts of experimental drug treatment on an emotionally disturbed and severely sadomasochistic individual. The film, which was adapted from a 1962 novel written by Anthony Burgess, is a brilliant and unconventional combination of impeccable acting, cinematography and directing. [Read more →]

December 10, 2008   9 Comments



How many pot smoking fratboys have won the Nobel Prize? At least one, Richard P. Feynman. As I perused the pages of “Surely You’re Joking, Mr. Feynman!” I didn’t know whether to laugh hysterically or take notes on cryptology, physics, philosophy, and picking up women. A supreme renaissance man, Feynman is easily the most charismatic physicist of all time. Although this autobiography was written decades ago and Feynman has since passed away, his language transcends the physical limitations of death as his antics and voice resonate between the pages. As the reader loses himself to both scientific befuddlement and philosophical musings, he picks up some smarts, some quirks (and quarks!), and a bit of enlightenment. [Read more →]

December 10, 2008   2 Comments

Break Out!


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Break Out!

I had high expectations for “Break Out” because last spring I had seen the show “Jump” which was produced by the same producers. “Jump” was a comical performance based on martial arts and when I learned that “Break Out” was something similar I really wanted to see it. I was more excited about this one because it is a hip-hop dance comedy and I was happy to see that it fulfilled my expectations. The show was great! I do not remember laughing that hard in months! Although I loved the show, I have to say that there are aspects of the show that can alienate certain groups of people.


December 10, 2008   No Comments

Golf: The Musical

My review of Golf: The Musical


December 7, 2008   No Comments