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Category — Reviews

Louise Bourgeois at the Guggenheim

My father used to take me to the Guggenheim a lot when I was young, in a valiant attempt to make me more cultured. At the time, the museum’s saving grace was that it was it was small enough to trudge through in less than two hours. It’s been a long while since the last family museum trip, and last week I visited the Guggenheim for the first time in about 5 years, and I have since realized that I now actually enjoy going there. I went to see the Louise Bourgeois exhibit, and that visit is definitely one I will never forget. [Read more →]

September 16, 2008   No Comments

River To River Festival: The Big Draw

Though many people classify expensive vacations to exotic or dangerous locations as adventures, to me, a great adventure is getting lost. One Saturday, in an attempt to find Teardrop Park, I realize how easy it was to wander upon art in this amazing city. The park itself is artistic, with its many trees, rocks, and stone benches. Even more artistic was the third annual celebration of drawing, presented by the River to River Festival, called The Big Draw 2008. Though not very symbolic, the festival was definitely a conspicuous representation of love and excitement through art. [Read more →]

September 16, 2008   1 Comment

Louise Bourgeois at Soloman R. Guggenheim Museum

The trip to the Guggenheim Museum was a very interesting experience. The museum was a highly unique rotunda building. The plain basic interior of the museum helped to make the artworks standout. Another cool feature was the free audio tour. They provided me with headphones and this device that gave summaries of special artworks. However, the most important part of the event was the Louise Bourgeois exhibit. Louise Bourgeois’ works evoked depressing and curious feelings over me because many represented her childhood memories and struggles of being a woman. [Read more →]

September 16, 2008   No Comments

Guggenheim Museum

The visit to the Guggenheim museum was an interesting one. I was amazed to see many different pictures and sculptures by Louise Bourgeois. Something that was even more surprising to me was that one person was able to complete all the art. The museum itself is very big and is filled with different kinds of art.  Some of them were the type of paintings and sculptures you see in your everyday life, but some were very appealing. There were several paintings and sculptures that caught my eye. [Read more →]

September 16, 2008   No Comments

Art Review #1 – My Visit to the MoMA

I have always wanted to visit the Museum of Modern Art. It seems that every time my friends and I hang out in midtown Manhattan, we always tend to stumble upon this sleek-looking building with banners labeling “the MoMA”. I have visited the MoMA Design store located in SoHo numerous times and there were always new creative items that never fail to fascinate me. This only made me want to visit the MoMA more, and so, I arrived at the well-designed museum with great enthusiasm. [Read more →]

September 16, 2008   No Comments