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Category — Reviews

Bug’s Life 2

Touch. Taste. Hear. See. Smell. The MOMA’s newest installation is Swiss artist Pipilotti Rist’s Pour Your Body Out (7354 Cubic Meters) in which our very conception of the difference between reality and fantasy is blurred. The project took almost two years to perfect and was finally opened to the public late last month in the museum’s second floor atrium. With the use of video projectors, speakers and a circular sofa, the installation seems like a simple endeavor yet there’s more to the installation than meets the eye.


December 10, 2008   1 Comment

Podcast IDC


I’m pretty nice

December 2, 2008   No Comments

Golf the Musical

December 2, 2008   No Comments

Man.Gov Podcast



December 1, 2008   No Comments

The Four of Us

Hope this works

The Four of Us

December 1, 2008   No Comments