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Category — Reviews

Podcast on Tulous!


my second attempt!

it worked!



December 1, 2008   No Comments

The Guggenheim Podcast

November 30, 2008   No Comments

Catherine Opie at the Guggeinheim

Ambiguous. Disturbing. These two words come to mind as I walk into Catherine Opie’s “Being and Having” and “Portraits” photograph galleries at the Guggeinheim Museum. As opposed to her black-and-white photos of urban infrastructures, such as highways, found at a lower level of the museum, the portraits at the entrance to these particular galleries are rebellious and dazzling in nature; as one wanders further in, it becomes quite disturbing of what people do to their bodies so that even their specific genders can be manipulated and played around with. Dazzling – because of the bright backgrounds and vivid facial details of the subjects’ faces. Rebellious- because of the excessive amount of tattoos, piercings, and rings on the faces that show the subjects are going against the norms of society. These series of images explore notions of communal, sexual, and cultural identity. The portraits along the wall at the entrance are half-body poses, and the subjects are of different originalities. They all have body rings in the most unusual parts of their faces. [Read more →]

November 14, 2008   1 Comment

Hello and Goodbye.

There are essentially three stages in one’s life – birth, growth and death. Many artists, whether it be Emily Dickinson or The Used, explore these themes through their works. Fuerzabruta, an exciting off-off Broadway show, employs aquatic, acrobatic, aerial and dance components to explore the many phases of life while providing the audience with a unique and thrilling experience.


November 13, 2008   2 Comments

The Four of Us

“The Four of Us” is a comedic drama written by Itamar Moses and performed in California. The play, which is both entertaining and provocative, consists of two characters named Benjamin and David who deal with fame and fortune while exploring the fundamental life themes of friendship and love.


November 13, 2008   1 Comment