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Category — Reviews

Golf: The Musical

There’s just something inherently humorous about seeing grown men cry on a Sunday afternoon.


November 13, 2008   No Comments

Rising Talent

Most quality art is generalized to what is created by professionals or “older, more experienced” people. However this past weekend, I can say I’ve seen quite remarkable performances by young growing artists from the ages of 7 to 17. On Saturday November 8, 2008, these youth gathered together for a night of talent. This night was called Staten Island Youth Vision Festival, hosted by a local church.


November 13, 2008   No Comments

All That Jazz

Lets “Razzle Dazzle ‘em” with Broadway’s revival of the musical, “Chicago”: a sharp-edged tale of ”murder, greed, corruption, violence, exploitation, adultery and treachery”.


November 13, 2008   No Comments

Golf – The Musical

I had high hopes for Golf: The Musical; critics raved about its so-called originality and lauded its ability to turn “mindlessness and predictability into art forms” (NYTimes 2003). The musical was enticing enough in the first ten minutes. The first few songs were catchy and the cast was lively, joking, and charismatic, but the jokes soon became stale and the show quickly descended into tedious, mind-numbing monotony.  The musical was boring and disappointing, and is probably more suitable for younger audiences that would be more appreciative of the loud, over-the-top humor. [Read more →]

November 12, 2008   3 Comments

Pertaining to Different Tastes – The Guggenheim

Filled with exhibits pertaining to various fields of art, the Guggenheim is suited to attract visitors with different tastes. The collections range from paintings done in the 20th century to modern day photographs taken with high-resolution cameras. As you work your way up the spiraling ramp to reach the next floor, the artwork becomes less dated and in a way, more futuristic. [Read more →]

November 12, 2008   No Comments