Art is Where You Find It

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This is for All the Perverts and Racists

“The internet is for porn!” “Everyone’s just a bit racist!” If you don’t find humor in these phrases, don’t watch Avenue Q. But for those of us with a sense of humor, Avenue Q will exceed your expectations. It is a hilarious Broadway show about finding one’s way in the world. The puppets pursue relationships, face poverty and question their sexuality. Even though the puppets face real problems, it’s still a make-believe world where anything can happen. Monsters mingle with humans and pizza boxes break out into song and dance. There are several one-night stands (featuring naked puppets) and Germans are still referred to as Nazis. But don’t worry! Even if you’re not German, there are plenty of racist jokes to go around. You won’t leave the show without being somewhat offended. 

December 3, 2008   4 Comments

National Theater of the Deaf

Diversity is very important everywhere, especially in art. Art comes in all shapes and forms and I realized that once again watching an act performed by the National Theater of the Deaf. I did not know what to expect watching the performance because I did not know if they would only use sign language or use body language. But the performance turned out to be really easy to watch because there are four people and two of them are not deaf. They narrate everything that is happening. The story of the play is really simple. It is about a boy learning to accept that his friend and mother are deaf and learning to cope with it in society. He learns to introduce them and explain why they are different. He also makes different friends throughout the play. The play teaches the audience a few basic sign language words. Afterwards the talkback helped us understand how the play came together. We got to ask questions about difficulties of being deaf. The play was definitely a fun new experience for me. I learned a lot and it helped me realize just how much is out there in the art world. There are so many things that I have not been exposed to and I cannot wait to start discovering them!  

December 3, 2008   2 Comments

Martin Klimas at Foley Gallery

Martin Klimas’ Flower exhibition at the Foley Gallery was a truly enjoyable experience. The photographs consisted of blossoming flowers arranged in a vase placed against colored backgrounds. You might think what’s so great about flowers? However, these photographs were taken at the split second the vases shattered while the flowers were still standing. At first I thought it just photographs of models with shattered pieces of glass glued to cotton but that turned out to be wrong. The photographer was able to create such beautiful images due sound detected flashes from his camera. Each time the vase hit the floor, the flash would automatically go off taking many pictures in one second. I love the photographs because it gives you the still image of something you can imagine in your mind but you don’t see it happen often in reality. Klimas’ photos allow you to see shattering transformations for more than the usual fraction of a second.

December 3, 2008   3 Comments

My Favorite Animal

Right along side major Broadway shows like Avenue Q, there almost discreetly stands the 45th Street Theatre. Adorned with dying Christmas lights, 45th Street Theatre looked like the underrepresented sibling amongst the bigger and flashier giants in the performing business area. This however did not diminish the fantastic show that was in store for my high school friends and I. “My Favorite Animal” is a comedy about an irresistible bonding between Jerry, a psychotherapist and Randi, a woman who claims to be once an average man. Randi explains that she had a wish to be a sexy girl and woke up to find that the wish had come true. Jerry counsels Randi believing that she is disillusioned. The story reaches climax when Randi brings more trouble to Jerry’s life. Through out the show, I also felt an irresistible bond growing between the actors and myself. From the cozy auditorium to the animated actors, “My Favorite Animal” was a fun and pleasant experience.

December 2, 2008   No Comments

This week

I am sure you remember that we are not meeting this Wednesday afternoon. Don’t forget that you have a blurb due tomorrow (Wednesday). When you post please remember to check the ‘Blurb’ category. 

On Thursday we are attending Taking Over at the Public Theater (click here for location). The show begins at 8pm. Please arrive no later than 7:45pm; I will meet you in the theater lobby to give you your ticket. The show goes for 90 minutes. then we are staying afterwards for a post-show discussion. I think you can expect to be done by 10:30. 

If you’re looking for a free event close to home, on Saturday (Dec. 7) at 7pm in the Baruch Performing Arts Center the Acting Company will be holding a dress rehearsal of its latest production, James Fenimore Cooper’s The Spy. This dress rehearsal is free but you must RSVP either by stopping by the BPAC Box Office (25th St. lobby of the Vertical Campus) or by calling the box office at (646) 312-5073.

Sunday is the Snapshot NYC event at Macaulay; you are required to be there to participate in the planned events following the schedule you received recently. 

Your final review is due next Wednesday (12/10) in both written and podcast form. Please bring your computers and flip cameras to class on that day as we’ll be using them. 

Phew that’s enough!

December 2, 2008   No Comments