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This week in NYTimes Arts, 10/10-10/12

What have you found of interest in the NYTimes Arts section? Add your comments to this post. I encourage you to leave multiple comments, and to comment freely on others’ ideas.

PS Don’t neglect to leave your comments on “The Chameleon” in the subsequent post.

PPS Saturday is Snapshot NYC day. While you’re at it, how about sending Lynn a photo to be used in the header area of the blog? Aren’t you tired of always seeing the same photos there? I am!

October 10, 2008   28 Comments

John Adams Talk – Opera Americana

Well, I’m not big on opera, but last night’s talk got me really excited about going to see Dr. Atomic. I am that person that nods off instantly at the mere word opera, but I am also a geek who loves science, and a pacifist who abhors violence, so the idea of Dr. Atomic is right up my alley. What struck me the most about last night’s talk was how down to earth and passionate Adams was about this complicated and seemingly ugly aspect of American history. I loved how he and his team used existing materials – newsreels, popular texts promoting the bomb, John Donne poems that Oppenheimer carried around in his pocket to keep him calm, and especially the Native American poetry speaking to a counter-cosmology that these scientists couldn’t really see all around them. I had no idea that a libretto could be written that way, like a collage of some sort. [Read more →]

October 7, 2008   No Comments

John Adams at the 92nd St. Y

Monday night’s event with John Adams looks promising, with conversation as well as music on the program. Here’s a link to information on the event, including directions to the 92nd St Y. When you are there you may want to check out a calendar of other future events at the venue. After you attend the event, would you be so kind as to write a brief blurb about it as a comment to this post? I am disappointed that I won’t be there with you so I’d appreciate your descriptions & evaluations of the event.

P.S. There are several other Doctor Atomic-related events, including symposia and an exhibit, at the CUNY Grad Center in the upcoming days. Check out the Free Events page for listings…

October 3, 2008   17 Comments

This week in NYTimes Arts, 10/3-10/5

What have you found of interest in the NYTimes Arts section? Add your comments to this post. I encourage you to leave multiple comments, and to comment freely on others’ ideas.

October 3, 2008   27 Comments

Your pictures wanted for header

We need some more pictures for the blog header, don’t you think? How about some of your photos of various arts-related events you’re attending? Ideally your photos should be cropped to 865 pixels wide by 180 pixels tall. If you can’t do that yourself you can ask Lynn to do it for you. Send Lynn your photos at 

October 1, 2008   No Comments