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trust me, its GREEAAATTTT!!! XD


December 15, 2008   8 Comments

A Tribute To My Hair

My Haircut

Enjoy 😀

Special Thanks to:

Jordan- (Camera Man), Corey, Alyssa, Lelia, Diane, Joe, Joyce, Calvin, that girl in my english class, Andy, Andrew, Eric AKA Eric Babes, Danny, and the dude who cut my hair 4 inches shorter than I asked him too.  Love you guys =]

December 15, 2008   12 Comments

More space on blog now

We have doubled our storage space on the blog (our limit is now 200MB) so there should be no more trouble uploading video as long as we follow the procedures Lynn set up. As a final act please upload your final creative works, whether they are podcasts or videos, to the blog when you’re done. I look forward to seeing you all on Wednesday at 3:30.

December 15, 2008   1 Comment


by Alyssa, Diane, Hea Jung, Sophia


December 14, 2008   1 Comment

Lelia’s Movie: by the Crew minus Joe


December 14, 2008   2 Comments