Art is Where You Find It

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art-is– iMovie by Allison, Calvin, Joyce, and Me(Joe)

December 13, 2008   1 Comment


Here’s the movie by Katherine, Jennie, Miji, and Me (Nancy)

Our Movie-Art

December 13, 2008   5 Comments

Renaissance in Italy Podcast-Review 4

December 12, 2008   No Comments

This week in NYTimes Arts, 12/12-12/14

Well it’s here… [tearing up] …the last time this semester that I’ll be requiring you to tell us what interested you in the NYTimes Arts section! Remember to save your comments on your own computer, in case of any future crash.

PS It looks like the bugs with video uploading are being worked out as I type so check back for an update on how to do that.

December 12, 2008   63 Comments

How to Upload Videos

Due to concerns about privacy on YouTube, I am suggesting that we embed videos directly to the blog. To do this, we MUST make our files smaller, or we will run out of storage space. This is pretty simple to do:

1. If you made your video in the older version of iMovie (06) we downloaded together in class, skip to step #4. If you did not, please download this for free at

2. Open iMovie06 and drag your movie file into the Clips board

3. Save your new movie file.

4. Select Share as “CD-ROM” Share>Quicktime from the toolbar, then choose Compress Movie For>Web Streaming.

5. Go to blog to write post > Choose “add media” in bar above text box (same as for podcasts) > Locate your newly saved movie file in Movies folder on hard drive > Select your file > Selecct “insert into post” > Save and Publish

Please let me know if you have any problems at . The process is almost the same as uploading podcasts except that this time we need to make our files smaller.

I look forward to seeing your projects!


December 12, 2008   7 Comments