Art is Where You Find It

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Corn Children Test w/ iMovie

December 12, 2008   7 Comments


spy – review

The darkness is suffocating in its intensity. One can hear the distant rumble of approaching carriages. A flash of lightning illuminates the wounded soldier. He braces himself against a jagged tree branch, his eyes wide and bright as he searches the shadows for his captors, shuddering in fear at the thought of his imminent death. [Read more →]

December 12, 2008   1 Comment

Battle of the Hoppers


There I was sitting center of the third row. I was so close that I could see the sweat on the performers. I could see the lines of intensity on their faces. Crisp and sharp or flowing and smooth moves flooded the stage. I felt as if I was sitting, watching the MTV show, America’s Best Dance Crew (ABDC). However without the 10-week wait for the best crew. All I had to do was wait until the end of the day to find out New Jersey’s best dance crew. [Read more →]

December 11, 2008   1 Comment

Art and Love in Renaissance Italy

Specifically designed to celebrate love and marriage during the Italian Renaissance, the “Art and Love in Renaissance Italy” exhibition at the Metropolitan Museum of Art houses objects that date from the fifteenth to mid-sixteenth century. Naturally revealing portraits, splendid golden jewelry, and portraits of family life, which are some of the groupings of the art found at the exhibition, pleasantly depict the beginnings of secular life during the Renaissance. The portraits and jewelry genuinely offer a sense of optimism during a period when love and marriage were not seen as necessities required for financial security as in medieval times; instead, during the Renaissance they were ideas to be dealt with playfully as forms of art that involved multiple attempts of wooing, the gradual falling in love, and ultimately culminating in the marriage of two individuals as can be seen from the detailed explorations of feminine and masculine features and love expressions in the portraits. [Read more →]

December 11, 2008   2 Comments

Koreans Never Fail to Amuse Me.

Break Out!!

Enjoy 🙂

December 11, 2008   No Comments