Art is Where You Find It

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Time Freeze at Foley

Foley Gallery

Is time passing too fast for you? Slow down by taking a look at the Foley Gallery—you will not be disappointed. Martin’s Klimas’ collection of “Flowers” currently decorates the walls of the tiny room in Chelsea. Each photograph consists of gorgeous flowers standing in collapsing vases. Klimas’ goal is to capture time and movement through beauty, something unseen to the human eye. Time just moves too rapidly sometimes and it takes effort to capture and embrace the infinitesimal seconds of our lives. However, through Klimas’ photographs, viewers learn to appreciate these fleeting moments and integrate our own experiences of rapid changes in our daily lives. [Read more →]

December 11, 2008   4 Comments



November 21, 2008 has been labeled a special day in the hearts of countless fan-girls.

Thousands of author Stephenie Meyer’s die-hard fans were ecstatic to finally see the film adaptation of her Twilight Series. A series of extraordinary events occur in the life of an ostensibly ordinary girl; what’s most captivating to viewers is the fact that they are able relate to her experiences. Twilight incorporates the essential themes of the novel, resulting in a sensational piece of cinema. It enhances the attraction to its audience through its careful casting and its approach to target a broader audience. [Read more →]

December 11, 2008   4 Comments

The Museum of Arts and Design


Columbus Circle⎯home of the tourists, swindlers, and major retailers our city knows so well.  Located on the southwestern most corner of Central Park, the circle is almost always packed with visitors.  However, not all people go to this traffic-prone circle for the overly priced shops and restaurants; some people visit this New York City hub for its art appeal.  If you do visit Columbus Circle and look toward the towering Time Warner Center, you can see a building out of the corner of your left eye.  Past the perpetual commotion, inflated price tags, and flashy lights of the Circle’s shops, there lies a quiet museum with the most riveting artwork in the city. The museum utilizes the same ingenuity the shops use in their promotions, but with a tad bit more eloquence.  Innovation is essential for the success of any organization in New York, and is the foremost characteristic of the Museum of Arts and Design. [Read more →]

December 11, 2008   9 Comments

Museum of Arts and Design


Everyday ordinary objects are turned into works of art, giving them a “Second Life”, as the title of an exhibit at the Museum of Arts and Design states. The innovative designs show the creative artwork held, making it a valuable experience if one wishes to view unique artwork. A common result is the production of uniquely styled furniture. These are scattered throughout the museum and particularly caught my attention because of the creative way they transformed the intended purpose of an item into something else. In a society in which natural resources are used to produce objects that are then thrown away, recycling and reusing materials helps our environment. [Read more →]

December 11, 2008   2 Comments

Pan’s Labyrinth podcast

December 11, 2008   1 Comment