Category Archives: Main
Immigration Narratives: Honoring Our Roots
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Bangladesh & Pakistan | Jamaica | Caribbean | Russia Mexico | Ecuador | China | Haiti
BANGLADESH & PAKISTAN Bangladesh, located between Burma and India was once a part of India, but has been … Continue Reading ››Immigrant Interviews: “We Came for a Better Life”
Changes in Lifestyles
First Generation Immigrants
- Hilda Chiquito: The Opportunity Costs of Life in New York City
- Miguel Lebron’s Interview as told to Lisa Ng
- Rose Yao's Interview as Told to Genevieve Hynes
- Dora's Interview as told to Thomas Saw Aung
- Nube Cabrera's Interview as told to Ann Jose
Future Plans
Parent Immigration Story
- An Interview with Katie Chiu
- Natasha Marsub’s Interview... As told to Maria
- Samuel J Paul's Inteview as told to Viki Hazkour
- Anna Zhuk's Interview as told to Allegra DePasquale
Second Generation Immigrants
- Donald Fung’s Interview as told to Christian Budhi
- An Interview with Katie Chiu
- Natasha Marsub’s Interview... As told to Maria
- Trisha's* Interview as Told by Makeba L. Ross
- Samuel J Paul's Inteview as told to Viki Hazkour
- Anna Zhuk's Interview as told to Allegra DePasquale
- Caring for Our Wise Generation...
- Halal Food
- MD Islam’s Interview as told to Shio Fung Zhu
- Natasha Marsub’s Interview... As told to Maria
- Donald Fung’s Interview as told to Christian Budhi
- An Interview with Katie Chiu
- Rose Yao's Interview as Told to Genevieve Hynes
- Hilda Chiquito: The Opportunity Costs of Life in New York City
- Miguel Lebron’s Interview as told to Lisa Ng
- Dora's Interview as told to Thomas Saw Aung
- Nube Cabrera's Interview as told to Ann Jose
- Audmar - Working in NYC
- Gary Rey's Work as told to Kwan Holloway
- Harryson Civil's Interview as told to Kwan Holloway
- Samuel J Paul's Inteview as told to Viki Hazkour