Are Video Games Art?

For a while I have been contemplating whether video games could be considered an artistic medium. Obviously it is very difficult to classify all video games together, but can a video game be considered a piece of art? As a person who truly enjoys a good video game, I am compelled to say yes, but I’m hardly being objective.

A video produced by PBS seems to think it can be too. In its discussion, the video points out that while video games are certainly different than books or other typical medium in terms of storytelling, it doesn’t mean they are worse. In plot based games, a video game may even be better at giving over  story than a typical method. By giving the player choices, the player feels the full weight of the decisions made by the characters. It puts the responsibility of their future in players hands and integrates them into the narrative. It is much easier to truly connect to characters and their development if you have something to do with it. In more creative games, like Minecraft, a player is given an open canvas to produce whatever they want within a system. Its like using paint to make a picture, except instead of paint a player uses blocks, and instead of a painting you can really make anything. If thats not art, I’m not sure what is.

While this by no means gives free license to call any video game “art”, it is a reminder that just because something is a video game, or any other non typical medium for that matter, it doesn’t mean it can’t be art too.

One thought on “Are Video Games Art?

  1. Interactivity, choice, decisions, engagement in a world of consequences, engagement in a world that operates according to a set system of rules. It sounds like performance! no, painting, no theater, AHHH! Yes I think a carefully constructed and engaging game certainly IS an art form. The parameters described by game professionals in the video demonstrate the importance of games to our culture,and the ways in which that engagement has evolved over time. There is a connection between video games and Rirkrit Tiravanija’s installation at MoMA where they are distributing dishes of food as a work of art. Crazy.

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