To take the plunge or not?

A new production called “Queen of the Mist” opened on Sunday night at the Gym at Judson. This musical tells the unique story of Anna Edson Taylor, who more than a century ago made her name known to the world by going over Niagara Falls in a barrel. In two acts, it documents her escapades leading up to the big plunge and the “years of anticlimax” following. This is one of many biographical plays that have appeared over the years—most recently, there was “The Mountaintop,” which depicted Dr. Martin Luther King’s last night on Earth and which Carlsky was kind enough to blog about back in early October. From what this article in the arts section of the New York Times says about “Queen of the Mist,” though, I don’t think it’ll be winning as many awards as “The Mountaintop” (if any); however, I’m sure anyone who really, really wants to know more about the woman “obsessed with taking the plunge” (and the plunge itself) and can’t be bothered with reading the short Wikipedia page will enjoy listening to Mary Testa (who plays Taylor) singing about it… or not. Biographical musicals aren’t really my cup of tea, especially if they don’t offer any new insights into the lives of the people they are meant to depict, but I’m open to hearing what other people think.

One thought on “To take the plunge or not?

  1. I’m not really sure why you blogged about this, except perhaps you just saw the article and realized it represented something that was happening in the “Arts” in New York? Your post pulls together a few threads from other posts and from other ideas, but I’d prefer to see something that shows you engaging with the art in some way. Are you especially interested in theater? It is hard to tell from the post. I appreciate you being “open to what other people think,” but part of the work of this class is to get you engaged in the arts yourself and come to your own conclusions. This post is a step in the right direction, but there is more to do.

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