Third Eye Blind writes an Occupy Wall Street Theme Song

In class, we keep asking where are the musicians of today when it comes to Occupy Wall Street? In the past, political movements like these have gotten large amounts of attention from musicians, with songs being written about just about every cause imaginable.

Well, Third Eye Blind seems to have been listening. They recently put out a song called “If There Ever Was a Time”, which is sort of an attempted anthem for the movement. You need only to look at the chorus to see what their message is:

If there ever was a time, it would be now
For the rest of us
If there ever was a time it would be now
‘Cause money and power are incestuous
A moment makes a movement
Or it fades out in the dark
Come on, meet me down at Zuccotti park

The song calls on the youth to come make a stand, because if they don’t, no one will. Though the song may not necessarily be the best one I’ve heard recently, it’s certainly a start. Musicians have the unique ability to give over messages over to large masses of people in a way that doesn’t bore them. This is even more true when it comes to the young who may not read the news and may not even know what’s going on. Music can spread the word in an interesting, creative way. If more musicians tried to help the cause, I believe we would see a significant increase in participation.

The songĀ can be downloaded for free from the Third Eye BlindĀ website.

2 thoughts on “Third Eye Blind writes an Occupy Wall Street Theme Song

  1. I’m sorry, but I think this song is really stupid.
    The lyrics are unintelligent and the tune is unimaginative,
    Besides, bands like Third Eye Blind have tons of money, I don’t know what they’re complaining about.

    • While I certainly agree that the song is not very good,it is still an attempt to make a statement and help out the cause through music. The fact that they are the only one’s to do it really surprises me. In regards to your last issue, that is exactly part of the point. Occupy Wall Street is not only a complaint by the poor to the rich. It is a statement made in response to our economic system which ignores the destitute and helps the rich get richer. Anyone, including the rich, can get behind that idea.

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