Memphis: My First Broadway Musical!

Earlier this month, we were already in the city, so Caitlin, Shane, and I decided we might as well go see a Broadway play!  We had been talking about it for a while, and decided to just go for it.  I love the spontaneity that can come along with being in New York City– everything is right at our fingertips.  So we hopped on a train and after a little bit of searching, we decided to go with Shane’s original suggestion: Memphis!

I honestly did not know what to expect; it was my first Broadway musical ever!  They had run out of student rush tickets, but $41.50 tickets were still available, so we took them!  They landed us in the highest seat in the entire theater, and I was unlucky enough to be seated behind a tall man who blocked my view throughout the entire show… Nonetheless, it was an amazing experience!

The musical, which takes place in the 1950’s, is more or less about a white man named Huey who seeks to make the voice of an African American woman, Felicia, known, by getting her on the radio.  From the beginning, he makes it quite obvious that he is attracted to her, and despite disagreements and struggles with the community around them, they begin a relationship.  Some things go awry, but in the end Felicia’s voice makes it big!

*Spoiler Alert*

By the end, Huey must chose between going to New York with the love of his life (where she feels she will have more freedom in her career) and staying in Memphis, his home.  Despite his undying love for Felicia, he chooses to stay in Memphis.  Call me girly, but I am an advocate for happy endings, so this definitely did not make me too happy.

At the end of the musical, Caitlin, Shane, and I discussed our thoughts and they actually made me realize something I never would have even thought of.  As Shane put it, Huey is very conceited and annoying.  I suppose I was blinded by my hope for a happy ending, but Shane was right.  At the end of the musical Huey kisses Felicia on live television.  He supposedly does it to show her how much he loves her, but in reality it is more for himself– he wants to make a statement to the public.  In the process he loses job opportunities and doesn’t even stay with the woman he loves.

The music was fabulous! My favorite songs were near the end of the musical after Felicia leaves Huey– here songs were full of passion and the voices were stronger than ever.  The excitement lasts throughout, and the music, like most Broadways, I assume, reflects the mood of the play perfectly.

I would definitely see this show again, but first I want to cross some others off my list!  You all should definitely go see it as well!

One thought on “Memphis: My First Broadway Musical!

  1. I was unaware of the details of the story of this musical. There are many stories of the recent (Post WWII) history of America that shed some light on the continuing social injustice. I wonder if the happy story and peppy music diminishes the impact?

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