Caitlin’s 9/11 Experience

As I look back at where I was on September 11th, I can remember everything perfectly.  It was a beautiful day, and I was in third grade.  We were told that we couldn’t go outside because there was too much bird waste on the ground (which we easily believed).  I was confused, however, by the fact that not one child was released without an adult, and every single adult that walked in had a panicked, fierce look on his/her face.  When my mom picked me up early and rushed me quickly into our green mini-van, she had the same face.  Everyone was scared and devastated on that day.  I will never, ever forget the worry that overtook my family’s lives knowing that my father and grandfather were in Manhatten.  Our classmate, Caitlin, had a similar experience.  No matter how small each of our memories are, I know that we can all say each one will remain with us forever.

Check it out:



One thought on “Caitlin’s 9/11 Experience

  1. I like the excerpt of the band at the beginning of the video. It would have been good if you could have edited this down. A 15 – 20 second sound bite is more effective than all of these details. (I don’t mean to minimize Caitlin’s experience, but we’re trying to learn to be effective editors!)

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