A 9/11 Story

No matter how far we get from the tragedy that became of September 11, 2001, the story and feelings are, and always will be fresh in ones heart. On september 8th, Queens College organized a remembrance day for those that have perished on 9/11. In honor of the fallen, stories were told, and emotions were shared. The orchestra that performed, enhanced the feelings, as they beautifully played an eclectic program of song befitting for such a somber day.
Almost everyone has a story for that fateful day. Whether one can feel the effect that day had on his life, or if he could just remember where he was; it will never be forgotten.
Below is the story of one of the musicians from the orchestra.

Below is a short video of a piece that the orchestra played.

2 thoughts on “A 9/11 Story

  1. I’m really glad you put up a video of the orchestra’s performance from September 8th. I think the musical selections they chose to play that day were very beautiful and set the mood wonderfully for the whole experience. The orchestra did an amazing job and I do not think I would have felt the same emotions had there been no music played. Thank you for this small reminder 🙂

  2. He said it so eloquently: “It is important that we remember, and it is important that we move forward.” Especially for those people who lost a loved one (this student lost a cousin) BOTH of these emotions are crucial. I’m glad he had the opportunity to express his story. (This could be edited to be a bit shorter…)

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