Drive: Movie Reaction

On September 16, 2011, I witnessed a genial work of art, which also happened to be a movie. I previously heard good reviews about the movie Drive but I decided that I needed to experience it for myself. The furthest thing I feel is regret for seeing it because it was phenomenal from beginning to end.
Even from the beginning, the movie has an element of suspense and catches the audience’s attention. The very first thing I noticed about the movie besides for the pink lettering, which still raises questions for me, was the extremely clear and vivid picture. It was like nothing I’ve ever seen before! The beginning depicts the persona of the main character, played by Ryan Gosling. He portrays a very modest and direct character whose living springs from driving, hence the title of the movie. The plot begins with a slow romance between the main characters. At some points their shyness and awkward silences bothered me but overall the romance was adorable. It was definitely more realistic than those movie romances that try too hard.
As the movie progresses, we see issues start to arise and foreshadowing come into light. By foreshadowing, I’m referring to the meeting of the main character and the investor. The main character doesn’t want to shake hands when greeting because he claims that his hands are dirty (from driving), however the investor replies that his hands are dirty too. In the investor’s case, it’s a metaphor for the immoral lifestyle that he has lived, which later will become evident. There is also the issue present in the beginning of the movie revolving around the romance. The female character has a husband that was in prison when they met but has now returned. Surprisingly enough, the male character (Ryan Gosling) does not pursue despite his attraction for the girl. He is not the type to create problems. He only tries to find solutions. The main character even attempts to assist the husband in escaping the trouble that he finds himself in. He was not obligated to help and it didn’t give him any benefits but he chose to do so out of his own good will and to protect the woman he liked and her child. Unfortunately, his attempt to help was shot down, literally. That scene was like opening Pandora’s box. After the first death, everyone was dropping dead. The violence was so overwhelming that it brought tears to my eyes but it was a necessary part of the movie. To be honest, I never would’ve predicted the strategies and aggression that the main character used throughout the movie, but it did help him accomplish the mission. Without giving too much away, I will conclude by saying that the ending of the movie is quite surprising. It leaves the audience to infer their own conclusion. If you want a movie that will keep you on the edge of your seat the whole time, then this movie is for you!

One thought on “Drive: Movie Reaction

  1. Your response to this movie needs a lot of editing. It would be useful if you could describe the characters by name, and also give a one sentence summary of the plot, or the main thrust of the movie. The reference to the two characters whose hands are “dirty” for different reasons is a vivid metaphor, but I can’t tell what that has to do with the rest of the movie. Try to avoid phrases like “the furthest thing I feel is regret.” It is an awkward construction. Also, a movie with sordid characters recently released from prison and a series of deaths (murders?) does not sound “genial” to me.

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