Two Thumbs Up

When I found out I would need to stay late in school on Wednesday to see some off Broadway play that I had never heard of I was less than thrilled. I had the preconceived notion that this was going to be like Film Forum round two. And that did not bring a smile to my face.

When the lights went on and the play began I was pleasantly surprised. The opening scene immediately grabbed my attention. I was not really sure what was going on or what David Duchovny was talking about, but it left me wanting to know more. From there on I was completely hooked.

The lights and loud music in-between each scene really added to the show. It helped heighten the tension and kept my attention focused on the plot completely.

When the wife came onto the stage I thought she looked a little bit like Amanda Peet. And then I realized, it was Amanda Peet, which was pretty cool too. It was shaping up to be a star-studded cast in a random little theatre in the village. The only two actors I did not recognize were Gigi and the lawyer. They were such great actors themselves that the two main stars did not overshadow them. The lawyer, played by John Earl Jelks, had a really great way of delivering his lines. Everything came out so humorous that I was cracking up the whole time, as was a certain female in the front row who made me laugh even more. Gigi, played by Tracee Chimo, was one of the most emotional prostitutes I have ever seen. When she broke down about her mother on the job, it seemed so real. As I sat there I actually felt bad for her and everything she was going through on stage.

When the play was over, I left the theatre in good spirits. I really enjoyed the performance. The best part of the whole show came after the curtains had fallen. I got to meet David Duchovny and Amanda Peet and I even got a picture with both of them! Overall it was really a great night.

Posted: November 24th, 2010
Categories: Rebecca Glikman, The Break of Noon
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