
Hey, the names Sami. I was born in Jackson Heights and I’ve lived in Queens my entire life. Although I live in Queens, I actually don’t know the first thing about my borough. All my close friends are from Manhattan or Brooklyn, so I know those two boroughs a lot better than my own.

Hmm, a little more about myself. I’ve been to sixteen countries so far. My mom used to be a flight attendant, and my dad shares my love of traveling so our family travels really often. I think my favorite country so far has been Dubai. Maybe I’ll study abroad there for a semester or something… we’ll see!

I’m also a food enthusiast. Since my mom went to culinary school, she makes really delicious meals for us every night for dinner. I’m always going around the city looking for new places to eat at and trying out new types of food. I think I overdo it sometimes though, I paid like $50 for a Pete Luger steak the other night! It was worth it though. Definitely worth it.

And sometimes I indulge in the finer things in life. Like legos.