
How’s it goin? My name is Dima Selivanov. I was born in Ukraine and spent my childhood moving back and forth between my hometown and NYC until I was nine, when my family decided to stay here permanently. I attended a small, Russian private school throughout elementary and middle school,and went tohigh school at Brooklyn Tech.

I’m a person with many interests, and I try to devote my time to as many of them as possible. In other words, I can never concentrate on doing just one thing at a time.  I’ve been playing electric guitar on and off for the past four years. I started skateboarding two years ago, though I took a break for about a year and have just recently gotten back into it. I tend to read a lot, and my favorite book of all time is Catch-22 by Joseph Heller. After I finished it, I spent the next several months asking all of my teachers in high school if they could recommend any other novels that are similar to it. Unfortunately, not a single person could come up with anything. This is understandable though, as the book truly is unique. I also tend to watch a lot of movies. I prefer psychological thrillers and dramas, though for a decent period of time, Titanic was one of my favorite movies.

I’m looking forward to immersing myself in the college experience and getting the most out of everything that’s being offered to me. It was interesting to reminisce throughout the summer after senior year in high school about how much I’ve changed in the last four years, so I wonder what the next four will entail.