Creating Your Presentation

Your final presentations will be PowerPoint slideshows, with your own voiceover. Instructions for creating a slideshow with voiceover can be found here. Note that slideshows with voiceovers will be exported as videos (.mp4 format preferred). Please email Joe Pentangelo (joseph dot pentangelo at gmail dot com) with any technical questions.

Joining the Class ePortfolio

If you haven’t already done so, please email Joe Pentangelo (joseph dot pentangelo at gmail dot com) with the email address you used to sign up for eportfolio. He’ll send you an invitation to join the class eportfolio. Once you click the link in that invitation, you’ll be added to the site. Don’t wait until the last day to do this!

Uploading and Sharing Your Presentation

Once your videos are created, you will upload them to YouTube and share them to the class eportfolio. To do this, you must be a member of the eportfolio. Instructions for uploading to YouTube are available here. Note that you can make your video unlisted if you don’t want it to be easily found, but do not set it to private: if you do, nobody but you will be able to see it. Once your video is uploaded to YouTube:

  1. Go to and click “Log In” at the top of the page.
  2. Once you are logged in, you will be taken to your Dashboard. From the Dashboard, hover over “My Sites” and the upper-left corner of the page, and click “Hispanic/Latinx Nueva York” on the dropdown menu.
  3. You will be taken to the dashboard for this eportfolio. Hover over “+ New” at the top of the page, and click “Post” on the dropdown menu.
  4. Title your post with the title of your project. In the body of the post, include a link to your YouTube video. You can write out the title of your project, then highlight it and click the link button towards the top of the page (it looks like a chain) or use the hotkey Command + K. Paste the link to your video here. Below the link, write a brief description of your project, and be sure to include your name. On the bottom-right side of the page, you will see the “Categories” section. Be sure to check off the appropriate category for your post.
  5. When you’re done, click “Publish” and the post will be made visible.

Watch All Presentations

Please be sure to watch all of your classmates’ presentations! You will email your responses to Prof. Soto.

Due Dates

Following are the dates that all of this must be done by:

  1. Friday, May 8 — All presentations must be posted. You should begin watching other students’ presentations on this date as well.
  2. Monday, May 18 — Final exam online from 2:30 – 5:30pm
  3. Friday, May 22 — Final written project essays are due. These will be posted to the eportfolio as well. Be sure to select the right category for your post, just like you did with the Presentation.