Chatbot Project: 8-Week Syllabus

To understand the work which I am doing this semester, a broader look at the world of the chatbot is needed. With the following readings, students will dive into the potential uses of this virtual conversational agent, and thus my motivations behind pursuing this work. Students will also be introduced the technology and techniques I plan on using. These techniques will be compared with existing techniques which have been used to create virtual conversational agents in the past. Students will interact with multiple existing virtual conversational agents to get a firsthand look at what works and doesn’t work when it comes to interactions with a virtual agent. Students will also get a direct look at the work which I have already completed with regards to this work.

Students will get a look at both the creative and more technical aspects of this project. Students will be assigned tasks which may be more suited for a creative writing class, but also a linguistics class. This project brings multiple areas of study together – thus it is imperative that students understand the relevant areas of each of these fields. Continue reading Chatbot Project: 8-Week Syllabus

The Somatization of Mental Illnesses in Bengali American Women

Course Title: The Somatization of Mental Illnesses in Bengali American Women

Course Description:

Medicine and culture are two perspectives that are often at odds when it comes to disease and illness. Medicine takes the perspective of every health-related anomaly having natural and purely scientific causes. This is essentially the basis for definitions, etiology, treatments and cures for any given disease. Culture, on the other hand, has its own set of solid beliefs that may not always align with these same principles. This discrepancy in beliefs often creates conflicts in the medical environment as it becomes very challenging for medicine and culture to understand each other and find a middle ground as to ensure quality care for both practices.

Continue reading The Somatization of Mental Illnesses in Bengali American Women

8 Week Syllabi!

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