Has Reduced Air Pollution as a Result of COVID-19 Really Caused a Return of Wildlife?

Have you observed an uptick in wildlife activity since the onset of COVID-19? In this project, we explore how reduced air pollution levels associated with COVID-19 correlate with wildlife activity throughout NYC.

The Correlation Between Median Household Income and Percent Positive COVID-19 Test Results by NYC Zip Code

While we’re all in the same storm searching for shelter, we’re not all in the same boat. From rowboats to superyachts, the quality of each family’s vessel is largely determined by a number of factors, including geography, household size, education level, income bracket, and healthcare accessibility.

What is an average New York household’s impact on waste?

NYC is falling behind other major cities such as Seattle and San Francisco in terms of waste diversion. Each individual has the ability to properly dispose of materials to limit their impact on landfills and move towards a zero waste lifestyle. Greater regulation and education is necessary for New York to become a zero waste city.