4 & 1/2 Days In India


This is probably a building from one of the many gated communities that have sprung up in cities all over India. Such communities often have their own water, electricity, and gas systems. They are staffed by 24 hour security guards, have pools, fitness centers, gardens, parking garages, and playgrounds for children. Since India’s infrastructure is largely absent, many companies who build these communities often provide their own. Ironically, the security guards, servants, maids, and cooks who staff these communities often live in the slums right outside the gates of these communities. Although a bit outdated, here’s an article that talks about India’s growing middle class, their desire to escape the poverty that surrounds them, and the increasing wealth disparity: http://www.nytimes.com/2008/06/09/world/asia/09gated.html?pagewanted=all

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