A Slice of Suprita’s Brain Tissue

I believe that kaleidoscopes and Jackson Pollock paintings are the purest representation of human thought, and consequently, human beings.

When lights enters a kaleidoscope, it creates a myriad of colors, patterns, designs that interweave to create a coherent image. We think in a very similar fashion. Thoughts are always running through our minds whether we are conscious of it or not. What we produce, the things we say, write, draw, paint, express are a filtering and evaluation of all those thoughts and ideas. Call it enlightenment.

Jackson Pollock paintings changed my life when I first saw them. I still remember that fateful trip to the Museum of Modern Art and standing in front of Pollock’s canvas. It was overwhelming but there was something soulful about Pollock’s work. There was a certain randomness, some risk in the midst of absurdity or geniosity, that made me want to jump off of Holden Caulfield’s cliff. Pollock had captured theĀ je ne sais quoi of life.

This blog/eportfolio/slice-of-internet-territory effectively serves the same purpose as slicing an organism’s brain tissue in order to study its composition. It is my mind’s playground. For you, the reader, it is a chance to understand what makes me tick.

I hope you can handle it.


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