Author Archives: Jessica Astudillo

The Parks of Morningside Heights


Posted in Jessica Astudillo, Morningside Heights / West Harlem | Leave a comment

Norman Street 21st Century

The introduction initiates with the importance of social scientists in the history of American Labor. The author also stresses that the history of these workers has been arduous. Especially when the working class tends to be classified in terms of … Continue reading

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Greenpoint-Williamsburg Snapshots

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Kinship, Friendship, and Support

Chapter Nine This chapter focuses on the different degrees of relationships that are formed in Greenpoint-Williamsburg between the inhabitants, especially between family members and neighbors. This underlying network expands on traditional notions of family, as everyone in the community could serve … Continue reading

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% Whites in Morningside Heights 2010 & 2000

There is hardly any change visible in the % of Whites living in Morningside Heights in the past ten years.  If anything, the amount has increased as shown by the slightly darker color. Maps from Social Explorer 2010 & 2000

Posted in Jessica Astudillo, Morningside Heights / West Harlem | Leave a comment

Morningside Heights: Hungry Gargoyles

Photo from:  

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