Author Archives: jgieseking

About jgieseking

Jen Gieseking is a Ph.D. candidate in environmental psychology at The Graduate Center of the City University of New York. Her research focuses on the production of lesbians' and queer women's spaces and places, specifically how and why these spaces have changed and/or remained the same over generations in New York City and what this says about these women's shifting experiences of justice and oppression. Her previous work has examined how the physical, social, and historical campus is affected and reflected in the identity development of its students and alumnae spanning generations throughout the 20th century. She is interested in the sociocultural production and private/public aspects of everyday spaces of identity around sexuality, gender, race, and class, the right to the city and the right to design and produce the city, cognitive and mental mapping methodologies, and feminist and queer pedagogy. She has served as a Writing Fellow at Hunter College, Fellow of The Center for Place, Culture, and Politics, Fellow of the Summer Institute for Geographers of Justice, Woodrow Wilson Women's Studies Dissertation Fellow, CLAGS Joan Heller-Diane Barnard Fellow in Lesbian and Gay Studies, and is a member of the Participatory Action Research Collective.

Learning Social Explorer

Today you learned about Social Explorer. In order to login through your Hunter account and have full access, go to the Hunter Libraries –> Databases or just click here. Don’t forget to sign in with your personal login to save … Continue reading

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Welcome to Seminar 2!

This course explores perspectives on urban ethnography with an emphasis on New York City – including specifically: the Brooklyn neighborhood of Greenpoint Williamsburg, the Morningside Heights Harlem neighborhood and Park Slope/Greenwich Village (Queering Space).  We will also pay attention to … Continue reading

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