

The world has become such a diverse place over its lifetime, from simple one-celled bacteria to humans. That must mean that something has been right from the start, which is the idea of having absolutely no waste. This has been accomplished as dead organisms provide the nutrients for new organisms to grow, which is the foundation of how we have come to evolve into smart and efficient creatures. This idea, which I think is an extremely simple one, can be and should be utilized in the corporate world, as it will only advance technology and efficiency in ways that we could never imagine possible.

Ever since the industrial revolution, many people have been thinking of how to improve the current situation, how to make things more efficient. When a system is so flawed from the foundation, such as based on coal power, a huge problem arises. It becomes extremely hard to change the foundation on which corporations were built upon. However if these corporations realize there is an exponential amount of money to make by redefining the problem, progress will be made. Instead of having to create waste and paying to dispose of it, these companies can utilize waste to make new products, minimizing costs, increasing profits. This is definitely the basis for success, as it is precisely this system that has allowed many species to arise and thrive throughout the world.

There is a lot of work to be done for cradle-to-cradle production to be entirely efficient, however we can start by having corporations slowly phase into using renewable energy. Solar energy, for example, is a prime example of a type of renewable energy source that can provide power to homes and factories. Although it may seem more expensive than using oil as a source of energy, our oil repositories will run out soon and then oil prices will be much higher than the price of implementing solar energy. This will provide the framework for future development. With green engineering, we will be able to close the loop that has been destroying the world, and possibly even reverse some of the damage that has been done.

Once this destructive loop is closed, we will all be able to celebrate biodiversity. The basis for how well an ecosystem is the amount of biodiversity that single ecosystem encompasses, which is something that we can increase only after sustainable growth and development begins to occur. Once renewable energy is utilized and no waste is generated, corporations and the environment will be able to live in harmony. There will be some costs to this shift in ideology, however the benefits will indeed outweigh the risks as time passes.

We are currently parasites to the world that we live in, using all of its resources and dumping toxic wastes into it. However, after this paradigm shift takes place, we will be able to live harmoniously with Earth. With this healthy relationship, the Earth will thrive like never before. Ecosystems will be able to diversify while the business world expands and generates profits in ways unseen just decades ago. Corporations will be able to evolve from a primitive creature into something far more advanced, utilizing its waste to make something new so that no waste is generated at all. This future needs to come sooner than later, and we must learn to develop a mutualistic relationship with our home.

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