Weekly Response 8 Eric Kramer

I really enjoyed the adaptation of Macbeth put on by Tom, Tom, Seong and Hayley. It was funny, intelligent, and relevant to our class and what we have been discussing. Everything seems to always come down to money and the idea that when people are given power, they tend to abuse it. Macbeth was the ideal example of this in their adaptation of the play. He was ruthless, manipulating and used others to gain power. This illustrates the idea that men are inherently greedy, always wanting more. He managed to make it to the top at the expense of others and the environment. He illegally cut corners and deleted records to maximize profit. All he cared about was making more money, even though he was already affluent and did not need more. This goes to show that money always drives higher-level decision-making.

I now know that change needs to happen now. We need to start embracing the principles of green engineering and the cradle-to-cradle model. By doing so, we will create less waste and make sure to reuse the waste that we do create. This will help solve the problem of having to figure out what to do with all the waste that we produce. This can possibly limit the amount of active landfills and incinerators we need. In order to do this however, we, as individuals need to choose to change.

We need to choose to fight for the implementation of green engineering and cradle-to-cradle design. We need to advocate for advancement in the use of solar energy. Most people seem to think our future lies in solar energy, which is perfect because it is a renewable source that will never run out (unless the sun explodes). Wind energy is also a viable alternative, but it is difficult to harness and put the turbines in places that are easily accessible.

We need to lose our American way of thinking of always wanting more. If something isn’t broken, who do we try to fix it? Is there really a need for thousands of different kinds of cars? Why not only have the environmentally friendly ones? Do we need access to fruits when they are off-season and difficult to get? The answer should be no. Millions of dollars are being wasted to accommodate the American life we are so used to. President Obama’s campaign slogan, “CHANGE” was correct, just in the wrong thinking. We need to stop putting off the environment for future generations and start caring for it now.

Yes, money is nice, but money won’t matter when the environment becomes so bad we cannot live properly. Instead of fighting of every last cent, the CEOs of big corporations should be making contributions to the search for alternative energy and the implementation of cradle-to-cradle design. It should be mandated that all factories and other institutions that apply that are building from the ground up need to use cradle-to-cradle design. This would create a much more efficient setup. It should also be mandated that all existing factories make an effort to convert to a cradle-to-cradle design, and they should be offered tax breaks as an incentive. Yet again, money is the only incentive that will work. The fact that you are helping the environment should be the only incentive needed to motivate a company to change to cradle-to-cradle.

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