Response #12

Ben, Dan, Demetra and Simon provided a riveting and contentious debate on the current state of affairs at the Indian Point Nuclear Power Plant.  The debate started off with Ben and Dan against nuclear power as a means of energy and Demetra and Simon for nuclear power.  However, as the debate went on the two sides came closer and closer together, rejecting portions of the opposing sides’ arguments, while slowly coming to accept others.  I rather liked seeing the open mindedness in the debate that allowed for the concession of some points and the redevelopment of each group’s initial stances.  Although this was a pleasant difference from other debates I have seen, especially in the past month, I would have liked to see both sides stick to their guns a little bit more and come out of the debate with more concrete stances on what the proper course of action should be currently.  Neither side seemed particularly set in their arguments, and while it can be said they were open minded, it can also be argued that they were weak in standing behind their platforms.  This confusion led to an overall interesting discussion, and I believe that as I said in class, both sides can agree that regardless of whether or not they support nuclear power as a source of energy, something needs to be done about the present state of affairs at the Indian Point Nuclear Power Plant.  As Jackie informed us, the power plant funds an annual fireworks show for the residents nearby the power plant.  Right off the bat that raises my suspicions about the power plant, and what is happening at Indian Point.  With all due respect to Demetra and Simon, after hearing the debate if I were to choose a side, I would have to side with the anti-nuclear power group.  What seems to be the only pertinent issue in the debate is the lack of proper care taken in the Indian Point plant, as it has seen a number of problems that have resulted in the shutting down of the plant.  Now, while it might be extreme to compare it to the events in Japan, it is relevant that information because it is important to examine the worst-case scenario in any issue like this.  What I gathered from the debate is that the Indian Point plant is not run as effectively, nor as safely as it should be run.  I am not sure that I am entirely against nuclear power on the whole, as France seems to have it together in this respect, but certainly we do not.  I believe that the plant should be shut down, at least for the time being, as it does not meet the standards that we as Americans should set for such plants.  Seeing as there are alternative and more advanced models of power plants, it seems almost stupid to continue to operate a power plant that is decades outdated, and has even the potential to risk the lives of any Americans, let alone (as Ben and Dan stated) so close to the largest metropolitan are in the United States.  With all these failures in the power plant, it is clear why Jackie gets her fireworks each year, as a form of bribe to hope the people around the plant do not fight the existence of such a volatile plant.

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