Eric Kramer Weekly Response 10

I always knew that NYC has far superior water to other places, which is why NYC has the best pizza, bagels, and other foods. Thanks to our lecture, I now know that our water is so great because of the careful measures NYC has taken to ensure our water is kept safe. Instead of building a ridiculously expensive water filtration plant, NYC bought much of the land around our watersheds upstate in order to ensure that the land would not be developed and contaminate our water supply. I am actually impressed with the way NYC was able to handle this, and I do not foresee any future problems that may result from this. The only argument against this is that the towns upstate want to use the land in order to stimulate economic growth, but they can succeed without those lands. If some citizens think NYC owning the watershed land is suppressing their growth, then move to a different part of the country.

Fracking (hydraulic fracturing) is such a strange issue because of the ignorance people have towards it. I think the videos we watched were each very intriguing. The lady in North Dakota mentioned a case where a friend of hers became ill due to fracking in the area and the exposure to fracking fluids. While this has not been proven, there is pretty substantial evidence. According to the video, fracking fluid contains 29 known carcinogens, which is something I find astonishing. Fracking fluids have been detected in the water beneath the ground, but above the area where fracking occurs. It does not take a genius to figure out that the fracking fluids in the water came from fracking deep beneath the ground, even though there is no scientific evidence to support or refute this. Research needs to be done to figure out ways to prevent the fluids from making it into the water. There must be a way to continue fracking where the fluids can be contained and prevented from spreading. Research, however is going to prove costly because once it is proven scientifically that the fluids from fracking spread into the water, the amount of court cases is going to skyrocket. People suffering from illnesses due to exposure to fracking fluids are going to be demanding compensation from these large companies, and rightfully so. I am okay with fracking continuing, however I think people should be thoroughly informed and warned about the health hazards and be given the opportunity to move away from fracking areas at the expense of the large companies. My major concern with fracking is that even though it may help serve our needs for fuel in the near future and make us less dependent on other nations for oil, it is only a Band-Aid. Fossil fuels are still a finite source, which will eventually disappear completely. Sometime in the future, people will no longer remember what fossil fuels were, unless we make unimaginable strides in the near future. We need to search for alternative, infinite sources of energy.

It’s definitely a good thing that buildings now must adhere to the green building rating system from Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED). This system sounds like a good start, paving the way towards sustainability. Having green buildings that work efficiently and can be energy independent certainly looks good for the future. Additionally, we will be looking to create buildings following Biophilic design in which buildings will be created looking to embrace and reconnect with life, instead of creating buildings that have negative effects on life. All of our progress with cradle-to-cradle design, LEED, and Biophilic design makes for a bright, sustainable future, yet we still have a long way to go in other areas.

One more thing that crossed my mind is that in our course, we focus on NYC only. The course is called, “Science and Technology in NYC”. Why not focus on global science and technology? I understand that we have to start small and build up and that most issues in NYC apply elsewhere, but there must be issues in other parts of the world that warrant continued discussion and education.

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Week 8 Response: Alda Yuan

Alda Yuan

Professor Alexandratos

MHC 200

Week 8 Response



I feel that Macbeth was a particularly good choice for play adaption. The original already raises a lot of ethical and moral questions easily related to the issues we face today. Ambition and greed, the characteristics instrumental to Macbeth’s eventual downfall are also a part of the problem in changing our society so that we are no longer responsible for such sustained and horrendous harm to the natural environment. In this, I would say that all of us share guilt. Or course, unscrupulous businessmen like the one depicted in the movie can lay claim to large chunks of individual responsibility but we all, by virtue of living in and perpetuating our society, share some segment of the blame.

That is not to say that our societies and our place in history cannot be salvaged. In fact, I am firmly of the belief that it is possible to change our ways while sacrificing few of our material comforts. Indeed, I don’t believe that change is possible any other way than while continuing to preserve the way of life to which we have become accustomed. For instance, though I am well aware of the harm that carbon emissions from cars and planes do, I would hardly be willing to walk home to Virginia over the holidays or ride a sailboat to visit family overseas. But the key is that there does not exist the necessity to choose between extremes. I trust that human ingenuity, which has brought about so many change and so many benefits, has the power to offer acceptable solutions as well. And indeed, as the Principles of Engineering article shows, these middle ground solutions are already being developed and used. If we do not see their effect immediately, it is likely because there is always a barrier before the rapid evolution and dissemination of any technology or way of thinking. But, as pointed out by the article, once the changes are made, the financial benefits will come. And as long as people are conscientious about the need to recycle, these profits will come quickly.

The problem, as always is the get people to start taking these small steps, which do add up in the long run though it may not seem like it. That, I think is the idea behind the concept of the messianic moment. Many of the steps that we need to take toward redefining the problem and ensuring sustainability seem hopeless to a certain degree. This is especially true at the start, often because there are so few people around doing the same thing and providing moral support.

The same is true, I suspect of any major social movement or change. Just looking at our own past, the suffrage movements are prominent examples. Each individual protest and written tract was viewed by some as an exercise in futility. Much in the way that people maintain recycling or reusing is useless if you are the only person advocating it or doing it. And this serves as something of a cognitive barrier. People naturally shy away from positions and actions that are not accepted or at least not commonly adopted. Just as it takes an initial financial investment to kick start more efficient processes, success in something as comprehensive and overarching as environmentalism requires that one invest something as well. Participation requires an investment of time, effort but perhaps most importantly, of confidence your actions will matter. Perhaps it requires almost an element of something approaching doublethink to convince yourself that small actions will build up to a paradigm shift. But it should be a comfort to note that such things have been accomplished before.

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Class Response – Week Nine

            For a class about sustainability, the environment and climate change, to not address one of the largest storms to ever hit New York City and certainly one of the most intense and surreal experiences of my entire life would be wrong. The week of Sandy was truly an alternate reality. My house was not destroyed, my family and friends survived physically unscathed and the city remained in at least relative order compared to the immense chaos I would expect from an event as cataclysmic as this, so honestly my loss of power and water for a week seems trivial to even talk about. Yet in reality, it wasn’t.

I constantly found myself immensely bored and unsatisfied and did little the entire week. Nearly everything I would normally do was at least in some way connected to, and often dependent on power. I would look to my laptop or an electric guitar for pleasure and distraction; gone. Browse the internet? Not without an internet connection I wasn’t. Even when I forced myself to simply break down and read a book (and I realize how sad the reality that my only time to turn to this was out of desperation) my natural schedule had me awake at night, and while reading by candlelight sounds like a novel and romantic idea, in reality the dim light got old quite fast.

Once I was able to put my first world problems aside however there was definitely brilliance to that week. Being in such an intensely changed world certainly makes one reexamine what they take for granted and how in many ways surreal their world may be. My house was in the blackout zone but was merely a few blocks from power and, luckily, my parent’s garage. I was able to take their car out to run errands and see friends, and my experience going to a friend’s house uptown was truly surreal. I entered my car in a world that looked straight out of a post apocalyptic film; the streets were eerily quiet and dark, there was garbage and destruction all around me. I hadn’t showered in days and had seen few signs of life that night; except for an occasional beam of flashlight light moving by inside of a window.

When I got out of my car on 73rd and 1st however, it was truly like I had entered another world; either having travelled to a world of the future from the dark ages or coming back from a dark apocalyptic future to see a period of high and extravagance before society’s collapse. Life had not been affected in the least. My friend’s parents made jokes about me being a refugee as they sat in their well lit apartment knowing full well they could go and grab anything from their fridge whenever they wanted, could turn on the TV and find infinite distraction or even simply use the bathroom or wash their hands without worrying about their water usage.  When I washed my hands there, I found myself using only drops of water and even being able to take the elevator instead of taking to the stairs was an incredible feeling.

All of a sudden, the luxury of my everyday life became apparent to me. When I hear people across the world simply can’t understand the American way it is not that they are in some way wrong or backwards, the fault is on us. The grandeur of things we find so basic is remarkable on a global scale. Even though I live on the second floor I had probably used the stairs instead of the elevator on at most a handful of occasions. Truly the thought just never even crossed my mind; if I have an elevator why not use it. Similarly if I want to take a 40-minute shower and I can, then why not. My issue is less even with the wastefulness of these actions, but rather with my complete ignorance to the wastefulness.

Now I am not going to try to say I am a completely changed man after 5 days without power, but honestly it did make me see things a little differently. Maybe I can in fact deal with a little less pampering for the sake of the environment and a better future. Also I think it gave me a new understanding of education and of the point of this class. Although changing people’s actions is important, I really think it is secondary. It is far more important however, to make people self-aware. Maybe in a year I’ll forget all of this, but even it I do it’ll stay somewhere in my brain, subconsciously influencing me towards more grounded, rational actions. But one can’t only live in the future and in hypotheticals – for now I am simply more grateful for what I have and finally have some appreciation for it. And for now I still take the stairs.

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Week 8 — Demetra Panagiotopoulos

I don’t know exactly what “enlightened environmentalism” is or where the term comes from .I haven’t Googled it and I’m not going to. For all I know, it could be anything from a Sierra Club pact to a term of the professor’s own coinage. It’s not government policy, that’s for sure. The first three paths all have to do with the mindset transformation that must take place to put us on the tract to lasting change and sustainability. My guess is that the last two, as of yet unrevealed, will have to do with a commitment to action.

The problem with the actions taken thus far by the government, the only authority that can enforce environmental policies, is that they’re limited in their scope and their goals. The conservation movement delineated lands that would be protected from commercial use, but there’s nothing that can protect those lands from the environmental impact of commercial activities nearby or upriver. There’s no bubble that any piece of land can be shoved into that will place it above the Earth’s web of life.

The measures taken seem to have been put in place with hardly any sense of value for the land. Why were they conserved? So people could still have a bit of nature to enjoy, to divert themselves with after everything else is gone. I don’t think that the mindset behind the conservation laws was actually serious about protecting the environment from the impact of pollution in the long run. What they did was relatively easy and looked much nicer, in symbolic terms, to the public. Rather than chasing down big business and forcing them to follow regulations for ethical and sustainable behavior—which could’ve been reported as “socialism”, “communism” or “restriction of free speech” and provoked citizen outcry—the government took some pristine lands, stuck a ribbon on them and said to the public, Look—You’ve got a nice new park! It’s huge!

The conservation movement did nothing to reform agri-industry, a perfect example of this country’s craze for overconsumption, nor did it do anything to prevent, curb or clean up pollution. All it did was protect certain lands from the damage of being directly used for commercial production. What if all U.S. lands had been protected from such exploitation from the time that this country first absorbed them? America would not be what it is today. If we tried to change the landscape to what it was in the early 1800s (pre-Lewis and Clark), the economy would probably collapse and people would be forced to adopt to a new quality-of-life standard—to live off of what they could grow, gather and catch. And, while sustainable and probably healthier in the long run, this would bruise people’s first-world egos. We’re so used to having more than we need that we’ve redefined “need”—from “something necessary” to “something necessary to live the life most other people with disposable income are living”.

What do people need? Masses of people today feel that they “need” to preserve a wasteful way of life. They feel that they need more goods, not better ones. And once they attain what they want, they still want more. Two TVs? Well, we have three floors in our house…–and look! We can get a great deal!—why not make it three TVs? Why not? We work hard, don’t we deserve it? They don’t bother informing themselves about the sources of their cheap luxury goods. Neither producers nor consumers stop to think about the long-term costs. When the costs that don’t impact them directly are brought to their attention, they shrug and say, “Oh well.” They say, “Such is the way of things,” “What do you want me to do?” or, “It’s a shame, but . . . there’s nothing I can do about it.”

Humans need food, water and shelter. They don’t need a new cell phone every year just because they’re tired of the old one. They need clothes and medicine, but not to the point where they can’t even reach the deepest depths of their closet, become resistant to Tylenol or can’t even remember what the flux of pills in their medicine cabinets are for. They need technology that works, not planned obsolescence. And they need air, water, and land that won’t make them sick in the long run. When it comes down to what people really need, it turns out that there’s no need to exploit the planet or each other to attain it.

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Sandy, Katrina, Global Warming

Seong Im Hong

November 5, 2012

Sandy, Katrina, Global Warming

I don’t know if global warming caused Sandy— doubtlessly, this will be discussed in detail later in the course—but we do know that storm surge, or, storm pushing roiling ocean waters onto land, is exacerbated by the rising water levels. (NYT, “Are Humans to Blame? Science Is Out”) The water caused unbelievable damages. On Sunday afternoon, I packed the barest amount of clothes and my laptop, believing that the evacuation would last for a day, just as it did last year when Hurricane Irene caused evacuation around the dorms. After the storm, however, I found myself stranded in Long Island for more than a week without power. When I walked around, I saw trees uprooted in front of houses and branches poking through windows like an arrow through a torso. I read about the damages done in lower Manhattan and Staten Island. One of fellow Macaulay scholar lost his childhood home.

For long we have said time and time again that Global Warming is a long-term problem that is often left on the back burner. But with Hurricane Sandy, can Global Warming be brought to the center of the political discourse? Hurricane Katrina didn’t do much to bring global warming to the table, as far as I can tell, but it also didn’t hit a politically powerful area like New York City, and certainly not during a volatile period like now, right before the elections. Already, I see op-eds linking Global Warming with the damages due to Hurricane Sandy and possibly to the hurricane itself.

(And of course, FOX denies Global Warming, as usual.)

But besides wondering what we could do and what could happen as a result: we already know what we can do to prevent a future disaster like this from happening. Greenhouse gases are doubtlessly causing the oceans to rise by melting glaciers. Yet, we have ways to deal with greenhouse gases—according to study “Recovery of Methane from Gas Hydrate Intercalated within Natural Sediments Using CO2 and a CO2/N2 Gas Mixture,” for example, we can sequester greenhouse gases by using it to dehydrate Methane Hydrates. This is also a valorization/green engineering process, in which we use unwanted byproduct to our activities as a source for valuable energy source (methane). I’m not sure if this process itself is financially viable, but it’s a start. Surely with enough money pumped in the research, we can fine-tune this process to produce not only energy but also reduce greenhouse gases and prevent further tragedies like flooding due to storm surges.

On October 4th, we talked in class about Mayor’s Advisory Panel on climate change. In 2009, the panel announced that with global climate change, there will be more intense rainstorm that lead to flooding. The last bullet point I wrote under the topic is this:

  • Flooding (lower Manhattan).

When I wrote those words down, it was probably with a sense of boredom and detachment. Well, yes, flooding will happen. Ocean levels will rise, and when storms come and go, the waters will get to land more easily. That makes sense.

Until this week, I had not realized how bad a flood could be. I am used to the comforts of modern life, including electricity and Internet on demand and mobility powered by the city’s electricity and MTA. Storm-related tragedies (nor inconveniences, but actual “I-lost-my-house” tragedies) were a thing of fiction, much like doomsday predictions of crazy preachers or the film The Day After Tomorrow. It is not anymore. It probably isn’t to many New Yorkers anymore.

We already had a taste of what would happen if we let greenhouse gases pollution go unchecked. It is up to us to decide what to do with this knowledge. I hope that we do the right thing.

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Green Engineering

Seong Im Hong

October 22, 2012

Weekly Journal 7

This week, we mostly learned through the required reading on Green Engineering due to the midterm and group project problem. (Sorry.) I found that Green Engineering paper actually connected pretty well into the themes we have explored in the class. For example, the need for an ideological change to the way we approach the environment was pretty clear in the reading. This is similar to how the MHC 200 class began with discussion of philosophy regarding the environment. Additionally, small parts of the paper (like Nike and Ford’s Model U) reminded me of the previous discussions we had about the responsibility of the consumers as well as the manufacturers and the government.

The Green Engineering paper started off by saying that inherent, ideological changes were necessary when it came to green engineering. According to the paper, there is the traditional way of being green (fixing what is already there, kind of like the “reuse, reduce, recycle” mantra of “pollution prevention”) and the new, radical way of being green (changing the system by creating a closed loop system). I agree that there is a need for radical change in thinking about the role of environment.

For example, the phrase “designers need to strive to ensure that all material and energy inputs and outputs are as inherently on-hazardous as possible” from the reading can take multiple meaning based on the kind of philosophy the reader subscribes to. “Non-hazardous” to whom? What if the output is a non-hazardous but yet un-reusable item? Those subscribing to the cradle-to-grave might be okay with accumulation of output items that are inert yet unusable. But cradle-to-cradle engineers would be wondering (or should be) what they can do with the output and whether this process gives enough benefit to warrant using a yet unusable output. The same sentence can mean worlds of different things according to the reader’s mindset. Hence, it makes sense to talk about philosophy first, as we did in class, because “working smart without perspective or guiding principles can ultimately become an efficient pursuit of the wrong goals.”

Another part of the paper that I found interesting was the phrase about PVC: PVC is “sent to landfills, incinerated, or recycled into products of lesser value”. I found it interesting initially because recycling (something generally considered Very Good for Environment) is listed with what is generally thought to be Very Bad for Environment—landfills and incineration. However, with more careful reading, I realized that recycling into products of lesser value is also bad—not Very Bad, but maybe Pretty Bad because it won’t close the loop completely. There will always be a need for more raw materials with that kind of recycling. Therefore, I found the fact that I did a double-take interesting because I realized that I never think about what happens to things I recycle, or what it means when things are advertised to be “recyclable”. “Recyclable” is a vague r-word that, when seen, is good and will raise my opinions on the product without actually having to follow through its actual value. It’s clever marketing, I suppose, and will increase the demand for recyclable things, but it doesn’t really make the consumer more engaged or knowledgeable. This kind of marketing (“buy this because it’s labeled green!”) really hinges on the consumer feeling better about themselves more than actual change.

I also found it interesting that Nike had some positive PR regarding its PVC use fade-out. However, it’s also worth noting that we just had a talk about Nike’s blatant human rights abuse. It’s good that they’re doing something for the environment, but what’s their end goal? Are they truly subscribing to C-to-C philosophy and/or the Triple Bottom Line philosophy, or did they need some positive PR, or mix of both? Is there truly a mix of both, or does C-to-C philosophy require environmentalism for the sake of environmentalism? I think it’s the latter, but I guess credit should be given where it’s due to encourage corporations to do what’s right. Or do they expect us to like them better, and are planning on something bad/continuing to do something bad to offset whatever positive PR they get? Am I turning into a conspiracy theorist?

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The Opiate of Freedom and Trying

Seong Im Hong

October 29, 2012

The Opiate of Freedom and Trying

“Freedom doesn’t let you off the hook, and failing doesn’t mean you’re not responsible for trying.” – Tony Kushner

            Freedom is a slippery thing. It seems to be a masturbatory word for politicians to scream at the frenzied masses that are drunk on their own idea of freedom. We talk about freedom so much in our country—our very political discourse hinges upon freedom and how much is too much. In this class, we mention again and again the conflict between market freedom verses government regulation. Freedom, we think, is an inalienable right. But freedom exists because the opposite (or lack thereof) exists—servitude, constriction, and limitations. So when we talk about freedom in rallies, what do we want freedom from?

Religion is an opiate, someone said, but so are love and freedom, and much and more things. Freedom is great, sure, but is it really? We talk about freedom from The Man, freedom from taxation, freedom from oppression, and it seems that “freedom” is too big of a concept to be truly used in a useful way without plentiful context and modifiers.

And I think that’s our great fallacy. Freedom is what we Americans love to think as the quintessential American ideal that we forget that all freedom all the time isn’t all it’s stoked up to be. Freedom by itself is dangerous, because it makes us drunk on our sense of self-righteousness and exceptionalism and other things that make us complacent when things that are obviously Not Okay happen. In terms of our class, for example, when companies violate environmental standards, or edge close to violating the environmental standards, some of us think, “Well, it’s their right as businesses to gain a competitive edge over others. Let the free market decide.” But in this case, what is the business free from?

Too often, we want freedom from responsibilities.

But as Kushner said, “freedom doesn’t let you off the hook.” Freedom shouldn’t mean freedom from responsibilities. And we all have responsibilities, from personal responsibilities (to do right by self), to familiar responsibilities (to take care of aging parents in future, perhaps), to environmental responsibilities (to aim for sustainability). And yes, it sucks to have responsibilities. That’s why we procrastinate or drink or do any number of things to avoid, avoid, avoid what we must to in favor of what we want to do. But that’s not how life works, and that’s not how it ought to work, either. Sometimes, selfishness is under the guise of freedom.

Selfishness also comes under the guise of “trying”

The second part of Kushner’s quote is much harder to understand. Too often, we are faced with forces larger than ourselves. Life, death, love, you name it. When we are trying to face environmentalism, too, we are faced with forces larger than ourselves, though they are often of our own making. Global corporations, for example, are too great for individuals to truly effect. At least, that’s what we tell ourselves while we buy their sneakers, their seafood, and their smartphones. It’s with a mixture of “if you can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em” mentality and “oh well” mentality that we continue to patronize these companies that we know, as surely as we know any other things, that pollute and exploit. We might even try buying locally or from alternative sources before we realize ethical doesn’t mean economical and our pockets aren’t as deep as the corporations’. Oh, well, we tried, we think. But sometimes, when it comes to important things, failing doesn’t mean you should cease to try. Not all of us can afford to shop at Whole Foods all the time. (Actually, if you go to Hunter, you probably can’t, period.) But we can surely try to influence others, or look for alternatives or go out of our way to buy better.

(For the record—I have a problem with how sweepingly broad Kushner’s claim about responsibility is. There are things we can’t and shouldn’t fix or change in life. Sometimes failing means that you have to let go of others.)

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Storming the Future of Environmental Action

It’ll be hard to approach this response without somehow talking about Hurricane Sandy. It’s so fresh in all of our minds, and yet it relates to the subject of this course so very much. Sandy has taken not just New York City by storm, but the whole of the nation.

We’ve talked quite a bit about corporate influence on environmental practice and the various environmental movements in the US over the past century. But putting it all into perspective requires something very real to remind us why we’re all talking about this in the first place. Sandy’s destructiveness affected a great number of people all over the East Coast, and climatologists speculate that it’s very likely that the hurricane was related to climate change. Some have even pointed to the fact that this is an example of what we should expect in the decades to come. But Sandy showed us exactly what we take for granted and how we should move forward in the future. We’re taking this course so we can realize the potential of our actions in impacting the environment (as we can see it deteriorating) and how that impacts humankind as a result. It is to accept intrinsic value, while realizing the instrumental value cost that it poses.

One of my high school friends, Yana, posted a status on Facebook reflecting on the disaster Sandy caused, but that she also had something else important to say: “New York needs to come together, because the extent of this damage impacts not only the city, but the country as well. When the bills are totaled and the water is pumped out of the tunnels and streets, we need to take a good hard look at the damage. Instead of rebuilding we need to redesign.” There is no doubt in my mind that she is right. The only way to continue a way of life that is of the scale we are used to, we must either continue on the same path and simply deal with these natural disasters or we have to completely change the way of life that we are used to. The Principles of Green Engineering alluded to this on the level of building technology, but if we change the mindset as well, we would be doubly as successful. On some level, Sandy can be used as a lesson; we never want to experience anything like her ever again. We haven’t faced a natural disaster like her for a long time, and the memory of New Yorkers in this respect seems too short. If we are going to take a positive step forward, we need to change something in our physical structures as well as our mental ones.

The Conservation Efficiency and Conservation Protection Movements both have something to teach us. They grew out of a realization of a certain kind of necessity, a feeling that things shouldn’t remain the way they are. It’s amazing how similar the reformative voices of over a century ago coincide with those of our own. Except now, our voices should be louder than ever before. The end of the frontier signaled the start of the Conservation Efficiency Movement. Perhaps we’ve reached the beginning of our own.

Starting today, we should spur on this generation of Americans to start to feel the necessity of environmental protection. We’ve only touched the surface of the various environmental movements, but I’m hoping that we’re going to enter another phase very soon—one in which the people recognize that society has done wrong and in which the majority of people subscribe themselves to reversing the impact of humanity. Perhaps now more than ever, we need to have a messianic moment. It’ll be more than just a leap of faith; it’ll be an action calculated by reason and a desire to keep living in a world better than the one we have developed. The historic, record-breaking nature of Sandy shows us that the future is at stake. I’m convinced. I just wish other people would start to see it the same way.

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Weekly Writeup #8: Reva McAulay

Reva McAulay

MHC 250

Weekly Writeup #8

            The 12 Principles of Green Engineering were an interesting if random seeming list of guidelines for how engineers and businesses should make their products.  Obviously they should avoid hazardous products and byproducts, prevent waste ,use an efficient production method, use renewable sources of energy and materials, and consider what happens to products after they are done being used.  But some of the other principles were more interesting, like the idea of using output-pull products.  Output-pull was something I had never heard of before, and didn’t really understand until we learned about the thing where you pull a nylon thread out of a chemical solution and it forms more nylon.   I’m still not sure whether or how this could be applied to anything other than chemistry, and google doesn’t have anything on it except more lists of the 12 Principles of Engineering.  Taking advantage of entropy is another interesting idea that is not obvious at first.  Using as few materials as possible is similarly not something that you would think would make a big difference, but it does make sense because the more materials that are in something, the more work it is to recycle.  And we’ve seen how people barely recycle the easy stuff, like aluminum cans or water bottles, so making things even more complicated to recycle will naturally make recycling even less common. 

            My three favorites of the 12 Principles of Green Engineering were the ones about designing for unnecessary capability, using energy and material flows, and designing for durability instead of immortality.  Using energy and material flows is interesting because it shows how little people consider the idea of reusing anything, even perfectly good energy that is already right there and doesn’t require any transportation or anything.  Using energy flows in manufacturing does not require an entire infrastructure like using alternative sources of energy does.  Nor does it require changing things to reduce the amount of energy it takes to complete the process.  All it takes is figuring out how to use waste energy from earlier in the process to help with a later part, using the waste energy as is.  It shows how little people consider using anything but something new, that minimizing energy use is thought of first before thinking of how to reuse energy that has already been taken out.  The same goes for waste products, obviously. 

            The idea that designing for unnecessary capacity or capability is flawed is great too.  It doesn’t make sense on any level, even a strictly economic one, to spend time, money, and resources to design and build something to do something it will never have to do.  Similarly, people tend to buy the most capable products even if they are more expensive and the consumer will never use its capabilities.  Why buy a computer that has huge capabilities and many special features if you just want to do basic internet and word processing? It doesn’t make any sense, and neither does buying a car that is made to handle off-road driving in terrible conditions, or one that can go 160 miles per hour, if the vast majority (or all) of its use will be driving in the city or on highways and never going over 60 mph.  If people did not demand unnecessary functions, manufacturers would be able to build more environmentally friendly products at lower prices. 

            Similarly, designing for immortality is basically designing for an unnecessary function.  The odds of a product being used for the consumer’s entire life and then being passed down to the next generation is absolutely none for most things, and very small even for things that people intend to use forever.  Certainly things that are meant to be disposable, like Styrofoam cups, don’t need to be made to last forever (unless recycled).  But for most things, people are not going to want to use it forever.  Eventually it’s going to be so outdated and out of fashion that nobody will want it even if you give it away for free.  Going back to computers and cars, only basic computers even need to be particularly durable, since the people who buy them might actually hold on to them for awhile.  A really fancy computer will probably only be used for a few years before it’s obsolete.  Cars need to last a while because they tend to be re-used, but even those will eventually be retired because they don’t have up to date safety features or gas mileage.

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Weekly Response 8 Eric Kramer

I really enjoyed the adaptation of Macbeth put on by Tom, Tom, Seong and Hayley. It was funny, intelligent, and relevant to our class and what we have been discussing. Everything seems to always come down to money and the idea that when people are given power, they tend to abuse it. Macbeth was the ideal example of this in their adaptation of the play. He was ruthless, manipulating and used others to gain power. This illustrates the idea that men are inherently greedy, always wanting more. He managed to make it to the top at the expense of others and the environment. He illegally cut corners and deleted records to maximize profit. All he cared about was making more money, even though he was already affluent and did not need more. This goes to show that money always drives higher-level decision-making.

I now know that change needs to happen now. We need to start embracing the principles of green engineering and the cradle-to-cradle model. By doing so, we will create less waste and make sure to reuse the waste that we do create. This will help solve the problem of having to figure out what to do with all the waste that we produce. This can possibly limit the amount of active landfills and incinerators we need. In order to do this however, we, as individuals need to choose to change.

We need to choose to fight for the implementation of green engineering and cradle-to-cradle design. We need to advocate for advancement in the use of solar energy. Most people seem to think our future lies in solar energy, which is perfect because it is a renewable source that will never run out (unless the sun explodes). Wind energy is also a viable alternative, but it is difficult to harness and put the turbines in places that are easily accessible.

We need to lose our American way of thinking of always wanting more. If something isn’t broken, who do we try to fix it? Is there really a need for thousands of different kinds of cars? Why not only have the environmentally friendly ones? Do we need access to fruits when they are off-season and difficult to get? The answer should be no. Millions of dollars are being wasted to accommodate the American life we are so used to. President Obama’s campaign slogan, “CHANGE” was correct, just in the wrong thinking. We need to stop putting off the environment for future generations and start caring for it now.

Yes, money is nice, but money won’t matter when the environment becomes so bad we cannot live properly. Instead of fighting of every last cent, the CEOs of big corporations should be making contributions to the search for alternative energy and the implementation of cradle-to-cradle design. It should be mandated that all factories and other institutions that apply that are building from the ground up need to use cradle-to-cradle design. This would create a much more efficient setup. It should also be mandated that all existing factories make an effort to convert to a cradle-to-cradle design, and they should be offered tax breaks as an incentive. Yet again, money is the only incentive that will work. The fact that you are helping the environment should be the only incentive needed to motivate a company to change to cradle-to-cradle.

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